Mother: Want toast?
May Belle: Yes, please!
Mother: Ellie, where's your cereal bowl?
Ellie: I'm not hungry.
Mother: You need to eat.
Ellie: I'm not hungry, Mom.
Mother: You need to eat before school. One more bite.
Ellie: You want some jelly on it?
May Belle: Yes, please.
Ellie: Watch it, Brenda. Don't mess my clothes up. Billy Baker's in my class this year.
Brenda: Oh, did he flunk too?
Ellie: Shut up!
Mother: Hey!
Ellie: You're one to talk.
Mother: Are you excited about your first day in school?
May Belle: Yeah.
Mother: Isn't your sister cute?
Brenda: You! You stink!
May Belle: Very cute.
Brenda: He stinks. He's gotta shower before he eats with us.
Mother: May Belle? Honey, here's your juice.
May Belle: Thanks.
Jess: OK, who hid my sneakers?
Mother: Jess, you could hardly call them sneakers anymore. I threw them out.
Jess: What? Mom!
Mother: I'm sorry, but I will not send any child of mine to school looking like somehobo. There's a perfectly good old pair of Brenda's I put out for you.
Jess: These are girls' ones.
Father: It's the fan belt this time, but I got another.
Mother: Ellie? Honey, here you go.
Father: What's the matter with you?
Jess: There's a big race today.
Father: And?
Jess: My sneakers.
Mother: I got a perfectly good pair for him.
Jess: These are girls' ones. I can't race in these.
Brenda: You couldn't race in your old ones either.
Father: He needs some new sneakers, Mary.
Mother: We don't have anything for extras.
Father: They make them the same. You got your chores done?
Jess: Just about to.