Leslie: Hey, Mom.
Leslie's mother: Hey, Leslie, come on.
Leslie's father: All right, let's go. We're on a mission.
Leslie: Hey, this is my friend, Jess. Can he help?
Leslie's mother: So, you're the infamous Jess. Hi, I'm Judy. Leslie tells me you're good with a paint brush. Why don't you grab one and get going? Come on! I am determined to have this wall finished so when the late sun hits it, we can watch it catch fire.
Leslie's father: Now, that's one steady hand, Jess. That's an artist's hand. Am I right?
Jess: Yeah.
Leslie's father: You know, the best prize that life offers, is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Teddy Roosevelt said that, not me. (Work done) Wow.
Leslie's mother: What did I tell you? Was it worth it?
Jess: Hey, guys.
Jess's mother: Jess, get started on your homework, OK?
Jess's father: I'm going to manage the store on weekends, starting in a couple of weeks. I need you to pick up on some chores around here.
Jess: You know, the best prize that life can offer is working hard at work worth doing.

Ms. Edmunds: Hey, have you taken art classes?
Jess: No, I...I just made them up myself.
Ms. Edmunds: You're really talented. Jess, don't let those other kids get in your way.
Jess: Oh, here you go.
Ms. Edmunds: Thank you.
Leslie: I just went to use the girl's room. Someone's in a stall, crying their eyes out, and I think it's Janice Avery.
Jess: Can't be that trick we played on her, can it?
Leslie: No way. But come here.
[Indistinct whispering]
[Janice sobbing]
Girl: Free to pee!
Janice: Get out of here!
[Girl screams]
Janice: Get out of here, now!
[Janice continues sobbing]
Jess: You should go talk to her.
Leslie: You kidding?
Jess: That’s not "skinned knee crying", that’s crying about something serious. Besides, it's the girls' bathroom, I can't go in there.
Leslie: I don't wanna go in there alone.
Jess: What's the matter? A girl who can stand up to a giant troll is afraid of some dumb eighth grader?
[Leslie exhales deeply]
(Class singing)
Leslie: Sorry.
Jess: Go on, tell me.
Leslie: No, I don't wanna tell you.
Jess: Why not?
Leslie: I'll tell you there.
[Indistinct chatter]
Leslie: Her dad gets really mad at her.
Jess: So? My dad gets mad at me...pretty much all the time.
Leslie: He hits her.
Jess: Oh.
Leslie: Some neighbor heard them yelling so loud, they called the police. And it got out. And all the seventh and the eighth graders know about it.
Jess: Whoa.
Leslie: Which explains, like, a lot.
Jess: Well, what did you say to her?
Leslie: Well, I told her about not having a TV and everyone laughing at me. I know what it's like to have everyone think I was weird.
Jess: Then what'd she say?
Leslie: She asked me for advice.
Jess: Janice Avery asked you for advice?
Leslie: Yeah.
Jess: And?
Leslie: Well, I told her just to pretend that she had no idea what anyone was talking about, and in a few weeks' time, everybody would just forget about it.
Jess: Man...
Leslie: Then I gave her a piece of gum.
Jess: We should go.
Leslie: Yeah. Wanna come back tomorrow?
Jess: I can't. I got chores.
Leslie: How about the next day?
Jess: Sunday we go to church.
Leslie: Can I come?
Jess: You'd hate it.
Leslie: No, I think it'd be cool.
Jess: Uh, girls can't wear pants.
Leslie: I've got dresses, Jess.
Jess: You in a dress? That'd be a sight! See ya!