Woman: Colonel, sir. I got a situation here. It's sector 1-6. Unauthorized engine start.
Trudy: Come on!
Colonel: Mask on!
Trudy: They are taking fire, let's go!
Man: Colonel!
Colonel: Crap.
Trudy: Everybody all right back there?
Norm: Yeah baby.
Jake: Norm, you good?
Norm: Yeah.
Grace: This is gonna ruin my whole day.
Jake: Grace is hit.
Norm: What?
Jake: Get the trauma kit. Keep the pressure on Grace.
Trudy: Trauma kit's forward, on the bulk head.
Jake: Hang on Grace.
Grace: Doesn't matter. It's fine.
Trudy: Good to go?
Norm: Take it up. Hold on. You're clear!
Jake: Keep going north, get us deep into the mountains.
Trudy: Copy that.
Jake: Norm, you all good up there?
Norm: Yup, still here.
Trudy: At least they can't track us up here. Not this far into the vortex.
Jake: It's strongest at the Tree of Souls, right?
Trudy: Yeah.
Jake: Good. Cause that's where we're going. You big baby.
Grace: Are we moving?
Jake: I'm gonna get you some help Grace.
Grace: I'm a scientist, remember? I don't believe in fairy tales.
Jake: The people can help you, I know it.
Grace: Why would they help us?
Jake: The people say, Eywa will provide. But no home, no hope...There was only one place they could go.
Norm: Link's running. What's the plan here Jake?
Jake: There's no plan.
Norm: Tsu'Tey is the chief now. He's not gonna let you near that place.
Jake: I've got to try.
Norm: Launching.
Jake: Outcast...Betrayer...Alien...I was in the place, the eye does not see. I needed their help and they needed mine. But to ever face them again... I was gonna have to take it to a whole new level. Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move. There's something we gotta do. You're not going to like it. The way I had it figured, Turok is the baddest cat in the sky. Nothing attacks him. Easy boy.