Felipe: Good afternoon. How are you?
Liz: What are you doing here?
Felipe: Well, I've brought you Wayan's famous hangover cure...because you drank a little bit too much last night. And here it is. Very delicious, as you can see...and very tasty.
Liz: Do you make it a habit of walking into people's houses?
Felipe: Do you make it a habit of sleeping with your front door open? It's a call. Moment. Hello, darling. How are you?
Felipe' son: Can't get the coffee machine to work.
Felipe: Okay. I've told you 50 times. It's very easy. You change the filter, you add the coffee...you add water and that's it. How did you get into college?
Felipe's son: How do I make it like you?
Felipe: Listen, I've been making coffee...darling, for 40 years, so you have to be patient with yourself. All right?
Felipe's son: Okay. So, what's up with you?
Felipe: Nothing. I just can't talk right now.
Felipe's son: Holy shit. You're with a girl.
Felipe: I have to go.
Felipe's son: Who is she? Is she hot?
Felipe: Jesus, she's hot.
Felipe's son: Dad, if you hang up...I'll call back and embarrass you. Dad, don't--
Liz: That's a lot of "darlings," darling.
Felipe: Yeah. That darling was my son. I've called all my children "darling" since they were little. Then there was a moment that between the pets and the children...I was confused, so I called everybody "darling." Okay, you need to rest. Here is my number and my address. I'm gonna leave it here on the table, in case you need a tour guide. A tour guide. And please, drink that up, because it's gonna help you a big deal. Because you really look....
Liz: Ravishing?
Felipe: Astonishing.
Liz: Go away. Please.
Felipe: Okay. Drink it up. It's gonna be helpful.
Liz: Hey, Mr. Tour Guide. Can we start with a coffee?
Felipe: Okay.
Liz: What are these?
Felipe: These are rambutan. They're delicious. It's like an orange made love to a plum. Would you like some?
Liz: When you put it that way, yes, thank you. What is that?
Felipe: No, no, no. They taste like dirty feet.
Liz: Really?
Felipe: Dirty feet. Look out. Nice. How many places have you visited? I have 46 stamps on my passport.
Liz: I happen to have 49 stamps on my passport.
Felipe: Forty-nine? I knew it.
Liz: Knew what?
Felipe: I knew it. We are both antevasins, my dear.
Liz: What is that?
Felipe: Antevasin is....It's an in-between. It is the one who lives by the border...because they renounce to the comfort of family life...in order to seek "enlightment."
Liz: I like your word. And I like the way you say "enlightment."
Felipe: "Enlightment." I try.
Liz: You're missing a syllable, but I like it.
Felipe: It's beautiful, no? It's Pura Melanting, which means "Temple of Prosperity."
Liz: Beautiful. So next attraction of the tour?
Liz: Yes.
Felipe: Food from Bali.
Liz: Oh, good. I'm starving. Where should we go?
Felipe: We should go to the best restaurant in town.
Liz: Of course.
Felipe: My place.
Liz: Subtle. Did you always live in Brazil before you came to Bali?
Felipe: No, no. Only for 20 years. Then I met my wife and l moved with her to Australia. She traveled a lot because of the job. And I stayed home with the children.
Liz: A good feminist husband.
Felipe: Yeah. Yeah. Didn't turn out to be what she wanted, I'm afraid.
Liz: What happened?
Felipe: What happened? Well, the children were grown. And I run an import-export jewelry business, so I could live anywhere. And Bali seemed like the perfect place to recover from a divorce. And here I am. Here I am. And you?
Liz: Well, far less tragic. We were immature and really too young to get married. We grew apart.
Felipe: Hearts were broken.
Liz: Yes.
Felipe: Then it's the same.
Liz: This is just perfect.
Felipe: So are you. You know what you are? You're a falsa magra. You know what that is?
Liz: What?
Felipe: You are slender and elegant in a distance...but up close, you are round and fleshy.
Liz: Thank God for Brazilians.