
Nina: Who is that?
Lily: Hey. You okay?
Nina: You can't smoke in here.
Lily: Well, I won't tell if you won't. So...The big day's getting closer and closer, huh? Well, I can't wait. I think you're going to be amazing.
Nina: Thanks.
Lily: So...Do you want to talk about it?
Nina: It's that hard to...
Lily: Leroy playing a little too rough for you? Come on, Nina. He's a prick.
Nina: He's brilliant.
Lily: Sure, but it's not like he's all warm and fuzzy.
Nina: What you don't know is...
Lily: Someone's hot for teacher! Oh, come on, it's okay. I don't blame you.
Nina: I should go home.
Lily: Oh, Nina, come on. I'm just playing around. Nina!

Erica: Sweetie? What are you doing in there?
Thomas: Again. Again.
Nina: Do you have any corrections?
Thomas: Lily told me that she saw you crying. That you were very upset and that I should take it easy on you.
Nina: I didn't tell her that.
Thomas: Maybe you need a little break. Like a day or two.
Nina: Thomas.
Thomas: Or maybe a month. What do you think?
Nina: She shouldn't have said anything.
Thomas: No, you shouldn't be whining in the first place.
Nina: I didn't.
Thomas: You could be brilliant. But you're a coward.
Nina: Sorry.
Thomas: No, stop saying that! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Stop being so fucking weak. Again!
Nina: Lily...
Veronica: Oh, look who's decided to grace us with her presence.
Nina: I need to talk to you.
Lily: Okay.
Nina: Now.
Veronica: Ah-ow.
Lily: Shut up. Come on. What's up?
Nina: You told Thomas about last night?
Lily: Oh, yeah. I ran into him in the morning and he said you guys were having some trouble.
Nina: Why would he talk to you?
Lily: Oh, excuse me, your highness. I just told him you're working your ass off and I think you'll be great.
Nina: Well you shouldn't have.
Lily: Okay.