Green: Selling a diamond to a woman is like making her fall in love. She has to feel giddy, desirous, adventurous, and desperate.
Spears: Take a look around this room, Phillip. Most of the women in this bar are looking for just that.
Ben: Exactly. The skills required to market diamonds are the same as those needed to make a woman fall in love, yes.
Spears: I'm not talking about lust. A woman in lust wants chocolate. A woman in love...wants diamonds.
Ben: Yeah, I'm not talking about lust, either, ladies. I'm talking about deep, meaningful, head-over-heels, his and her towels, Iet's grow old together, L-O-V-E. Look, I love women. I do. Whether they're four, 40, or my 88-year-old grandmother, I respect women, all right? And I also listen...to women, and that's why I can sell myself to any woman, anywhere, anytime.
Spears: Make a woman fall in love with diamonds, Benjamin...or with you?
Ben: Eh, either one.
Ben’s boss: Well, that's cocky, Ben.
Ben: No, not cocky--confident.
Spears: I'd like to see you prove that.
Ben: You would?
Spears: The agency's cohosting a party for the DeLauers at the Astor Museum. The party's a week from Sunday. Do you think you could make a woman fall in love with you by then?
Ben: Ten days?
Green: Any woman, anywhere, anytime?
Ben: Any single, available, straight woman--yes.
Spears: Yes. I'm not trying to trick you, Ben. In fact, we'll choose a woman right here, right now, in this bar, and then you decide.
Green: Ooh.
Ben: So, who's the lucky girl?
Green: Okay...Let's see here. Ooh, there's that blonde babe in the leopard print.
Ben’s boss: Whoa, ho, ho!
Green: She looks like fun.
Ben: Be nice, ladies.
Green: Or... wow, Miss Babylon Five. Now, she's on the prowl.
Spears: No. Her.
Ben: Her who?
Spears: Her, in the gray dress. Blonde hair. Pretty smile.
Green: Her?
Ben: Done.
Spears: What?
Ben: Done.
Ben’s boss: Done.

Andie: See the guy next to the horrible guy in the green shirt that I would never even consider? Okay?
Jeannie: Hmm! Very cute.
Andie: Right?
Jeannie: Good.
Andie: All right? Here I go!
Ben: Okay, you're on. But here are the stakes. After I win this bet, this pitch is mine.
Spears: Agreed.
Ben: Phil?
Ben’s boss: Agreed. You come to that party with a girl that's really in love with you, Ben...you can make the pitch to the DeLauers.
Green: But, Phillip, you can't...
Ben’s boss: I've made up my mind. To the DeLauers.
Ben: To the DeLauers.
Spears: Cheers.
Ben’s boss: Cheers.
Green: Cheers.