Bella: Hey, sorry I'm late. Biology project.
Bella’s father: I ordered you the spinach salad. I hope that's okay.
Bella: You should order one for yourself next time. Cut back on the steak.
Bella’s father: Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse.
Cora: Say, Chief, boys want to know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?
Bella’s father: Yeah, we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is headed east, so Kitsap County sheriff is gonna take over from here. Okay?
Cora: I just hope they catch him fast.
Bella’s father: Looks like your friends are flagging you. It's okay if you wanna go join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway.
Bella: Me, too.
Bella’s father: Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you.
Bella: Yeah, he's a good buddy.
Bella’s father: What about any of these other yahoos in town? Anybody interest you?
Bella: Dad, we gonna talk about boys?
Bella’s father: Yeah, I guess not. I just feel like I leave you alone too much. You should be around people.
Bella: I don't really mind being alone. I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way.
Bella: So, how's all the baseball stuff going?
Bella’s mother: Phil's working so hard. You know, spring training. We're looking for a house to rent in case things become more permanent. You'd like Jacksonville, baby.
Bella: Yeah? I'm really liking Forks.
Bella’s mother: What?
Bella: Forks is growing on me.
Bella’s mother: Could a guy have anything to do with that?
Bella: Well, yeah.
Bella’s mother: I knew it. Tell me everything. What is he? Jock? Indie? I bet he's smart. Is he smart?
Bella: Mom, can I talk to you later?
Bella’s mother: Come on, we gotta talk boys. Are you being safe?
Bella: How did you get in here?
Edward: The window.
Bella: Do you do that a lot?
Edward: Well, just the past couple of months. I like watching you sleep. It's kind of fascinating to me. I always want to try one thing. Just stay very still. Don't move.