Marley: Oh, my goodness. Can I have a big hug?
Julian: Hey.
Marley: Did she tell you? God, my mother is a walking mouth. A walking mouth.
Julian: Hello, Cammie. You look very pretty today.
Marley: What do you tell him?
Cammie: And I'm smart.
Marley: Good girl. Good girl. Oh grody, he's peeing!
Julian: So what was this morning about?
Marley: I don't know. I couldn't sleep.
Julian: I know. But why?
Marley: Well, a reminder: I'm dying. Yeah okay, and I haven't helped you, Um, get in touch with all the-- the anger and...
Marley: You know what? Just stop. I'm so not in the mood for a lecture right now.
Julian: Hey! It's obvious that you're scared. It's normal. It's fine.
Marley: Is it normal for doctors to screw their patients? We had a good time. Let's just leave it at that.
Julian: Wow! Whoa, already past tense.
Marley: Well, reality check: It's going to be past tense soon enough.
Julian: Hey, Marley, .. - Mmm. I love you.
Marley: Oh, great. Fantastic. You love me. What kind of guy falls in love with a dying girl?
Julian: Don't diminish what's going on between us, Okay? I know what I'm feeling.
Marley: I do too. I feel smothered and I need you to back off!
Julian: No, no...Are you okay?
Marley: Leave me alone!
Julian: Come on, let me help you.
Marley: I said: Leave me the hell alone! I'm sorry, sweetie.
Cammie: I wanna go home.
Marley: I know. I'm gonna take you home right now. I'm sorry. Let me see. Let me see that beautiful face. Let me see...
Renee: Hey, you're back early.
Cammie: Hi, Mommy.
Renee: Hi, pumpkin. Did you all have fun?
Marley: You're having a party.
Renee: No. Some of the other moms dropped by, Sort of an impromptu thing.
Marley: It's not contagious, you know.
Renee: Of course not. Um-- why don't you go back and play for a little bit.
Marley: Bye, sweetie, I love you.
Cammie: Bye.
Renee: I've just been really busy, you know. With the baby coming and...
Marley: Oh, really? You obviously have time for those women in there.
Renee: That's different. They're...
Marley: What? They're fat, boring and not dying? Want me to make this more palatable for you?
Renee: That's not what I want.
Marley: Are you just angry because you're going to have to find a new babysitter?
Renee: Yeah. Come on. That's exactly what I'm angry about.