Parker: He was also saying that the Shoguns bred these Akitas for combat and hunting. So I guess in a way they're kinda dog royalty.
Wife: Did Ken give you any ideas where you could find this royal dog a home?
Parker: I put up ten flyers already. You know, someone's gonna claim Hachi.
Wife: Who's Hachi?
Parker: This. That's what was on his collar. That's the symbol.
Wife: You named him?
Parker: No, I didn't.
Wife: Parker, You want to keep him.
Parker: No, I do not.
Wife: You do.
Parker: I don't want to keep him.
Wife: Admit it. You do.
Parker: I wasn't even thinking about this.
Wife: Yes.
Parker: Hachi? Where'd you go?
Wife: Oh, no! Parker, that's months of hard work!
Parker: Oh, God! I'm sorry.
Wife: I want him to stay out there all night, Parker He's not coming back in do you hear me? End of discussion.
Parker: I hear you. I hear you. I heard you before. I hear you right now. Hachi. Come on, buddy. Come on. Yeah, you're coming inside. Let's go. Okay. See if I can find you here. Yeah, there you are. Your bloodline goes back at least 4,000 years...maybe much more. Yeah. What else we got here? Yeah. You like that? It says the first partnership...between man and animals was you. Did you know about that? Did you know that already? You did, didn't you? Yeah, you did. Shut this down. Let's see if we can settle you down now. Hey, this looks pretty good, huh? All right, stay there. Stay there now. Okay? All right. All right, stay. Stay there. Okay. I'll just stay for a little bit.
Wife: Excuse me.
Parker: I was just coming up.
Wife: Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Parker: Just one night. One night only, okay? Be a good boy. Stay there. All right, you'll be fine. I can't believe it. He loves the Yankees.
Wife: No, really? Really?
Parker: He does.