Parker: Hachi!
Wife: That's great, Jake.
Jake: Thanks.
Parker: Kate. You seen Hachi? He wasn't at the station.
Kate: No, I haven't seen him since this morning. Come here. Look at her. Can you believe they had her covered for 30 years? Isn't she beautiful?
Parker: Yeah, she is.
Kate: I'm falling behind schedule.
Parker: You'll catch up. Just think about opening night. That'll freak you out. The youngsoloist steps downstage' sings from La Boheme...and then dance, of course. Following that, rock, rap, hip-hop...jazz and Hamlet. Then of course, the entire town is going to rise up, standing ovation. The place is going crazy. Mayor sees you down there he pulls you up onstage... puts you center stage and thanks you for making it all possible.
Kate: Yeah?
Parker: Yeah.
Kate: I like it.
Parker: Hachi! Come on, boy. Hachi. Hachi. What are you doing here? All right. Stay, stay. Hachi, stay. Okay, go, go away. Go on, get out. Get! Get! Get out of here. Get out! Get out! Come on, come on!
Kate: Parker?
Parker: We got skunked. You wanna come in with us?
Kate: No, I'm gonna pass.
Parker: Okay.
Kate: You better open a window before you go to sleep.
Parker: You really think we smell that bad? You're probably right.