Salesman: I'll be right there. Hi, can I...? Look who's here. It's you.
Sarah: Yes, your worst nightmare. The single-chicken-breast lady.
Salesman: Hey, you wanna at least hear the specials?
Sarah: Ahh!
Salesman: Look, I'm supposed to tell them to you, that's all.
Sarah: Just the chicken breast.
Salesman: It's rough out there, huh? You wanna talk about it?
Sarah: You know, you're not a bartender.
Salesman: Have you tried the Internet? I mean, it really works. You know, I met my wife online, and she...
Sarah: Chicken. Now.
Sarah: Why not?
Bragging date guy: And I've been to Italy a lot too. I just got back from Rome...where I took this fabulous in-depth tour called "As the Romans Do." The guide was incredible.
Sarah: I took that tour. Big fat guy, right?
Bragging date guy: Before that, Switzerland. Well, I got caught in a snow storm.
Sarah: I almost died in a blizzard once.
Bragging date guy: I lived up in the Alps for a year.
Sarah: They had to cut me out of the snow with scissors.
Bragging date guy: My aunt had a farm. In the morning, we'd warm ourselves with the coals of the fire. I learned to make goat cheese.It was very Heidi.
Sarah: Well, I just think it's wonderful how much you care about your children, Peter. Really. It's not always the case. I'm a teacher, I know.
Peter: Well, it's just my daughter. She's 14. But she's everything to me.
Sarah: Were you surprised that I called?
Bob: Little bit. But happy.
Sarah: Well, I figured what the hell. It's time to take control of my life. New Sarah.
Bob: I liked the old Sarah, you know.
Sarah: New and improved. Good morning.
Bob: Hi.
Sarah: Hi.
Bob: What time is it?
Sarah: It's a little after 9.
Bob: Damn. Do you mind if we take that and go? I don't wannarun into traffic.
Sarah: Oh, it's Sunday.
Bob: Yeah, I got a game today. You gonna eat that?
Sarah: No. Here.
Bob: Thank you.
Sarah: You did sleep with June, didn't you?
Bob: Does it matter? Really?
Sarah: It's just that you told me nothing happened.
Bob: Well, I knew we'd be great together, I didn't want anything to get in the way of that. And we were.
Sarah: Yeah.
Bob: That was fun. Thanks a lot. I'll call you. You mad at me?
Sarah: No, I'm not mad at you.
Bob: Good, I was afraid something had changed...
Sarah: I'm mad at myself for ever having trusted you. For not listening to that voice in my head that said: "He is a shallow, self-centered bastard." Which is what you are, you stupidhead! OK. Maybe I have been teaching preschool too long, but you took advantage of me. You knew how vulnerable I was. You knew I was the weak impala of the herd. And you pounced on that with that whole sensitive dad-of-the-year act. And, "we're adopting a puppy." And the fake professor thing with these fake glasses. These aren't even real, are they? Oh, sorry. I just hate guys like you. I hate guys like you!