1. Truth be told, I don't know the first thing about them: 说实话,我对它们(船)一窍不通。don't know the first thing about意思是“根本不知道……,对……一窍不通”。
2. constellation: 荟萃。
3. Halley's comet: 哈雷彗星。
4. pleasure's all mine: 这都是我的荣幸。
5. turn of phrase: 措辞。
6. lad: 小伙子。
7. mope around: 闷闷不乐。例如:Come out for a walk instead of moping around in the house.(别在房里垂头丧气地打转,出来散散步吧。)
8. ramp: (船只的)下水滑道,滑轨。
9. scared the hell out of me: 把我吓坏了。
10. hold back: 退缩。看一下例句:
If you are held back by the excuse that you are not yet ready, you'll never be ready.
11. lamb shank: 羊小腿。
12. What are the specials today?: 今天有什么特价商品?