精彩对白: Robert Crawley: Good morning, Carson. Carson: Good morning, my lord. Robert Crawley: Is it true what they're saying? Carson: I believe so, my lord. Robert Crawley: I'm afraid we'll know some people on it. I don't suppose there are any lists of survivors yet? Carson: I understand most of the ladies were taken off in time. Robert Crawley: You mean the ladies in first class? God help the poor devils below decks. On their way to a better life. What a tragedy. Edith: When Anna told me, I thought she must have dreamt it. Mary: Do we know anyone on board? Robert Crawley: Your mother knows the Astors, at least she knows him. We dined with Lady Rothes last month. There are bound to be others. Edith: I thought it was supposed to be unsinkable. Robert Crawley: Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks. Sybil: Good morning, Papa. Robert Crawley: Good morning. What's that? Sybil: Just arrived. Telegram. Robert Crawley: Is her ladyship awake? O’Brien: Yes, my lord. I'm just going to take in her breakfast. Robert Crawley: Thank you. Cora: Hello. Robert Crawley: May I come in? Cora: Isn't this terrible? When you think how excited Lucy Rothes was at the prospect. It's too awful for any words. Did J.J. Astor get off? Of course that new wife of his is bound to have been rescued. Robert Crawley: I've had a telegram from George Murray. One of his partners is in New York. Cora: Yes? Robert Crawley: It seems James and Patrick were on board. Cora: What? They can't have been. They weren't going over until May. Robert Crawley: Then they changed their plans. They're on the passenger list. Cora: Thank you, O'Brien. That'll be all for the moment. But surely they were picked up? Robert Crawley: Doesn't look like it. Cora: What? Neither of them? You must tell Mary. She can't hear about it from anyone else. |
On their way to a better life: 死后能得以超度(下辈子投个好胎)
没有高不可攀的山峰 (没有翻不了的山);也没有永不翻沉的船(没有沉不了的船)。