Classmate: Would you get a load of him? Oh my gosh, he is dreamy.
Allie: What is he doing here?
Classmate: He's staring at you.
Lon: Oh, miss? I'm all better. Now, how's about that date?
Allie was surprised how quickly she fell in love with Lon Hammond. He was handsome, smart, funny, sophisticated and charming. He also came from old Southern money, and was fabulously wealthy.
Allie: What? Oh, what's happening? Where you going? Where they going?
Mom: See you later, sweetheart.
Lon: Allie, I've been thinking a lot about why we shouldn't get married.
Allie: Okay, I give up, why shouldn't we get married?
Lon: Well see, that's the thing, I couldn't think of anything at first. An then, it just dawned on me. Your parents...
Allie: My parents?
Lon: Absolutely. Your old mom and dad. Thank you for that.
Allie: Mom?
Lon: You see, the problem is that they love me. I'm exactly the type of man they want you to end up with.
Allie: They do. Really?
Lon: You know, I'm wealthy, I'm from the South, I got a decent job. You know, I'm an incredible dancer, I'm a really smart guy. I like to think--
Allie: So what's the problem, huh?
Lon: Now just this, if you marry me-- Now listen close. If you marry me...then you will have lost a life long battle of defiance against them.
Allie: Oh my goodness, what are we going to do?
Lon: I do not know.
DJ: Hey, band, you feeling all right?
Band: Hey, band, you feeling all right?!
Lon: See Allie, I think--damn it, I think you have to marry me. I think you need to marry me.
Allie: I do?
Lon: Yes you do.
Allie: I do, why?
Lon: Because if you do, you parents will always know the unhappiness that you feel for not being able to disappoint them.
Allie: I think you may have overlooked one minor detail.
Lon: And what's that?
Allie: Well, you see you have to get their permission first. And I think you may have overestimated their affection for you.
Lon: Is that right? Oh, I don't think so.
Allie: Then why not?
Lon: Oh, 'cause I asked them already and they said yes.
Allie: What?
Lon: One more thing. I love you. Will you marry me, honey? I know I kid around a lot, but I'm crazy about you. Marry me? Make me the happiest man in the world.
Allie: Yes. Yes!
Lon: Just hold tight.
Allie: Where are you going? Oh my God. Mama.
Lon: Okay, stop the band. Excuse me. I'd like everyone here to know that this young lady and I are getting married.
She agreed with all her heart, but couldn't understand why at the very moment she said yes, Noah's face came to her mind.