蜘蛛侠彼得•帕克(安德鲁•加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)在全力和犯罪、灾难做斗争的同时,终于迎来了毕业的时刻。可是曾经的一段心结,让他和女友格温•斯坦西(艾玛•斯通 Emma Stone 饰)的关系降至冰点。
1. We're gonna spend every day from now on looking over our shoulders.
2. Because even if we fall short, what better way is there to live?
3. It makes me not able to live with myself.
4. She does work-study at Oscorp.
5. If we're gonna be friends, I think we gotta establish some ground rules.
6. I'm all thumbs today.
7. Progress has its stepping stones.
8. Looks to me like you're halfway in the ground already.
9. How the tables have turned.
10. Right as rain.
11. Thanks for stepping up for me.
1. I know we all think that we're immortal. We're supposed to feel that way. We're graduating. But, like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever. What makes it precious is that it ends. And I know that now more than ever. And I say it, today of all days, to remind us that time is luck. So don't waste it living someone else's life. Make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you. No matter what. Because even if we fall short, what better way is there to live?
2. You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths. You're my path. And you're always gonna be my path.
3. It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today. But there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone. And that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold onto hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you is to become hope. People need that. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live? As we look around here today at all of the people who helped make us who we are, I know it feels like we're saying goodbye. But we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next, to remind us of who we are, and of who we're meant to be.
Peter: Hey.
Driver: Hey, moron! Get out of the street!
Peter: Hey. Hi.
Gwen: Hi.
Peter: You look amazing.
Gwen: I'm sorry for the spontaneous outreach. It was kind of...
Peter: No. I don't... I... Spontaneous...is all right. You know.
Gwen: Well, I just figured it was time. You know? Time that we try to be friends.
Peter: Yeah. Friends, yeah. That's...great.
Gwen: I just don't want us to be complicated.
Peter: I was just saying that to someone. I hate complicated.
Gwen: Keep it simple.
Peter: Okay, great, great. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Well, I mean... Ha, ha. If we're gonna be friends, I think we gotta establish some ground rules.
Gwen: Some ground rules?
Peter: Yeah, some ground rules.
Gwen: Heh, heh. Heh.
Peter: Like that.
Gwen: Like what?
Peter: That laugh. That laugh.
Gwen: What?
Peter: That's off the table.
Gwen: My laugh is off the table?
Peter: Off the table. You gotta figure out a more annoying laugh.
Gwen: [Laughs loudly]
Peter: That's still adorable.
Gwen: That was not adorable.
Peter: It's adorable.
Gwen: No, it's not adorable. Okay. I have a ground rule. Um...
Peter: Oh, good. What is it?
Gwen: Uh...Don't tell me that I look amazing with your big brown doe eyes. Okay? I'm really serious about that one.
Peter: Oh, no.
Gwen: What?
Peter: I just figured out the next ground rule.
Gwen: What?
Peter: No more of this. No more of this little nose rub that you do.
Gwen: This?
Peter: Don't think I haven't... Hey.
Gwen: What am I supposed to do? It's allergy season.
Peter: This is killing me. You're just spitting in the face of my ground rules. I'm out.
Gwen: Come on. Heh.
Peter: First we gel ice cream, and then I'm out.
Gwen: Um, yeah. So I did that. And I got completely addicted to this place that has Korean meatballs.
Peter: Yeah. No, I know.
Gwen: Have you been there? It's mind-blowing.
Peter: That place on 6th. I know. You love it there.
Gwen: How do you know that?
Peter: Hm?
Gwen: How do you know I love it there?
Peter: Because, um...Because you told me.
Gwen: It just opened last month. Have you been following me? I knew it. How often?
Peter: Just once a day. Sometimes. Sometimes more.
Gwen: Oh, boy. Why? Make sure I'm safe?
Peter: Yeah.
Gwen: And what?
Peter: And because it's the closest I can get to still being with you.
Gwen: I'm moving to England.
Peter: What?
Gwen: Yeah. Um...I have a...I'm up for a scholarship to Oxford. In molecular medicine. And it's between me and this other kid. There's this oral exam that we have to do and he's, like, a freshman in college, but he's 14. And... And it's... It could be him. But it might be me. I hope it's me. And I'm thinking that I'll be moving to England.
Peter: Wow.
Gwen: Yeah. And I'm really excited.
Peter: That's, uh...England.
Gwen: What?