Giselle: Now if I could only find a place to rest my head for the night.
Robert: What kind of place?
Giselle: Oh, I don't know. Maybe a nearby meadow or a hollow tree.
Robert: A hollow tree?
Giselle: Or a house full of dwarves. I hear they're very hospitable.
Robert: Like I said, all I can really do is let you in for a minute. Dry off, use the phone if you want to. We have our own bedtime to stick to. Let's go.
Giselle: That's very kind of you.
Robert: What is it with this dress of yours?
Giselle: Oh. Do you like it?
Robert: No, it's just...
Giselle: I gathered the silk from my silkworm friends and I spun it into thread on my spinning wheel.
Morgan: You made it all by yourself?
Giselle: Well, the mice and rabbits did help with the sewing.
Morgan: They're good!
Giselle: Whoa!
Robert: Why don't we see about getting you a car.
Morgan: Couldn't she sleep here, Daddy?
Robert: No. That's a big no.
Morgan: Are you really a princess?
Giselle: Not yet. But... I will be, soon.
Morgan: Wow, Dad. She's really sleepy.
Robert: Oh, no. That's not acceptable. No.
Morgan: You're not really gonna make her go, are you, Daddy?
Robert: I want you to go to bed, please.
Morgan: But I think she might be a real princess.
Robert: Morgan, just because she has on a funny dress, doesn't mean she's a princess. She is a seriously confused woman who'sfallen into our laps.
Morgan: So we're not going to let her stay?
Robert: No. Put on your nightgown and go to sleep. Good night, OK?
1. We have our own bedtime to stick to.
Stick to 的本意是“坚持,对……忠诚”的意思,这里可以理解为“遵守”。我们来看两个个例子: They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened. 他们发誓不管发生什么事都要对彼此忠诚。 We've decided to stick to our previous plan. 我们已经决定要坚持以前的计划。
2. see about
See about 有两个意思,一个是“to attend to, take care of料理,处理”,一个是“to investigate 调查”,这里是做第一个意思解。比如: I'll see about the refreshments if you'll handle the tickets. 如果你买票的话,我会搞些点心饮料。 I'm not sure, but I'll see about the cost of renting a van. 我不确定,不过我会问问租个有篷火车要多少钱的。
这个片语也可以写作 see to。
3. That's a big no. “绝对不行。”Big 这里用来表示强调,意思是“断然地,完全地,确切无疑地”。 4. That's not acceptable. 直译是“那是不可接受的”,其实就是“那可不行”。 5. fall into one’s lap 这个片语也可以写作 drop into one’s lap,“if something good falls into your lap, you get it without making any effort or any warning”,意思就是“毫不费力的得到,意外得到”,比如:You can't expect the ideal job to just fall into your lap - you've got to go out there and look for it. 你不能期望理想工作像天上掉馅饼一样到来——你得出去找。 文化面面观 Dwarfs 小矮人 大家对小矮人的好印象一定都是从《白雪公主和七个小矮人》来的吧?在童话世界中,矮人是一个可爱、慷慨大方的族群。下面,就让我们一起来认识一下矮人的“历史”。

A dwarf is a short, stocky humanoid creature in Norse mythology as well as other Germanic mythologies, fairy tales, fantasy fiction and role-playing games.
The plural form dwarfs has been traced to the 17th century. The alternate plural dwarves has been recorded in the early 18th century, but was not generally accepted until used by philologist J. R. R. Tolkien in his fantasy novel The Hobbit. Neither spelling represents the regular phonetic development of the Old English plural dweorgas, namely dwarrows; rather, they descend from a new plural formed in Middle English from the singular stem. Similarly, the old inherited plural dwarrows acquired a singular dwarrow. Although dwarrow has passed from the language, both dwarfs and dwarves are in current use. Many grammarians prefer dwarfs, many fantasists prefer dwarves. The form dwarfs is generally used for real people affected by dwarfism; the form dwarves is used for the mythical people described by Tolkien and others.
In mythology, Dwarves are much like humans, but generally prefer to live underground and/or in mountainous areas. Some literature and games ascribe to dwarves the ability to see in the dark and other adaptations for living underground. Here they have accumulated treasures of gold, silver, and precious stones, and pass their time in fabricating costly weapons and armor. They are famed miners and smiths although, like humans, they specialise in any number of trades. Generally shorter than humans, they are on average stockier and hairier, usually sporting full beards. Though slow runners and poor riders, dwarves are said to be excellent warriors and defenders of their strongholds. Some myths and games also ascribe to dwarves the ability to forge magical items. In Norse mythology, for instance, dwarvish smiths created some of the greatest and most powerful items of power, including the magic chain Gleipnir that bound the wolf, Fenris as well as Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor. (answers.com)