故事发生在一艘名为“契约”的殖民太空船之上,飞船上搭载了两千名进入沉睡的殖民者,他们的目的地是遥远的欧米伽六号行星,希望能够在那里建立新的家园。一场意外的发生令契约号的能量收集帆遭到了破坏,船长布兰森亦不幸身亡。作为代理船长的欧朗(比利·克鲁德普 饰)带领着惊恐而又悲伤的船员们降落到了一颗未知的神秘星球上。
在这里,他们遇见了仿生人大卫(迈克尔·法斯宾德 饰),大卫热情地接纳了人类的到来,并讲述了他和已故的肖博士在这里生活的经历。就在大卫渐渐赢得了船员们的信任的同时,大家已经一步一步地走入了前者为他们精心打造的地狱之中。
1. I don't have a clue what to do with them. 我完全不知道该拿它们怎么办。
2. Alright, we are clear. 好的,我们这儿搞定了。
3. Working like a dream. 搞定,轻而易举。
4. Behave yourself with my wife. 在我妻子面前守点规矩。
5. We just have to wait it out. 我们只能等它过去。
6. Thus, I have been marooned here these many years. 因此,我已经被困于此地很多年了。
7. So if they are in trouble, they will have to figure it out for themselves. 所以如果他们有麻烦了,他们也必须自己解决。
8. No, what we all need to do is calm down and talk this through. 不,我们都需要淡定然后好好谈谈。
9. Walk in the park. 小事一桩。
10. She'll be back online at eight bells. 她四小时后会上线。
David: As you can see, I've become a bit of an amateur zoologist over the years. It's in my nature to keep busy, I suppose. The pathogen took so many forms and was extremely mutable. Fiendishly invented, in fact. The original liquid atomized to particles when exposed to the air. Ten years on, all the remains outside of the original virus are these gorgeous beasts. Patience is everything. From the eggs came these parasites. Shock troops of the genetic assault. Waiting for a host, entering the host, rewriting the DNA...Ultimately producing...well, these enviable unions. My beautiful bestiary. Soon enough I began a bit of genetic experimentation of my own. Some cross-breeding, hybridising...
Oram: You engineered this, David?
David: Idle hands is the devil's workshop, Captain. Come. This is what I wanted to show you. My successes. You see, Captain... My work has been frustrated by the lack of an essential ingredient.
Oram: Are they alive?
David: Waiting, really.
Oram: For what? What are they waiting for, David?
David: Mother. Perfectly safe, I assure you. Take a look. Something to see.
Sergeant Lope: Rosenthal, come in. Rosie report. Rosie? Cole, where are you?
Cole: I found her, Sgt.
Danny: Fuck, ok, prep the gear. We gotta get out of here.
Man 1: Where the fuck is the captain?
Man 2: He isn't answering his radio.
Danny: Listen to me. I will contact the ship, get them to launch as soon as they can. Find Oram. Keep your comm open. Back here in 15. Got that?
Man 1: Copy that.
Man 2: You got it.
Danny: Walter, where the fuck is David?
Ricks: We need plasmas intermixed on all engines. It can give you fuck load of thrust.
Tee: That's the point son. We gotta punch through the atmos.
Danny: Tee, do you read me?
Ricks: I got Danny on comm.
Tee: Patch her through.
Danny: Tee, I need you to launch now.
Tee: Aye, aye, launching now. See you soon darling.
Danny: Thanks, Tee.
Tee: Ricks, release the docking clamps.
Ricks: Alright.
Tee: Let's take this fucker down. Good to disengage.
Ricks: Disengaged. Docking clamps released. Commencing TC burn. Guidings to LVLH.
Oram: Walter. Walter.
David: Not quite.
Oram: What do you believe in, David?
David: Creation.