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    时光飞逝,一转眼,艾格西(塔伦·埃格顿 饰)已经成长为了一名出色而又可靠的特工,他和蒂尔德公主(汉娜·阿尔斯托姆 饰)之间的感情也越来越浓,两人眼看着就要携手步入婚姻的殿堂。就在这个节骨眼上,前特工查理(爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特 饰)杀了回来,如今的他效力于一个名为“黄金圈”的贩毒组织,组织头目波比(朱丽安·摩尔 饰)是一个邪恶而又野心勃勃的女人。

    查理查出了金士曼的所有据点,用导弹将它们全部摧毁。幸存的艾格西和梅林(马克·斯特朗 饰)千里迢迢远赴美国,向潜伏在那里的联邦特工寻求帮助,却意外见到了死而复生的哈利(科林·菲尔斯饰)。波比种植了一种含有毒素的大麻,将它们输送往世界各地,当瘾君子们体内的毒素渐渐发作后,波比以此为筹码,正式向政府宣战。


    1. The only downside is having to live in the middle of nowhere.


    2. But I digress. 我扯远了。

    3. Not to toot my own horn, I just think it's really important for new recruits to understand the history of The Golden Circle.


    4. Make yourselves at home. 不必拘束。

    5. Or whatever tipple takes your fancy. 或是随便什么你喜欢的酒。

    6. Otherwise tuck in. 其他时候尽管吃。

    7. Harry would've been chuffed. 哈利肯定会很欣慰。

    8. Pull yourself together. 你得振作起来。

    9. Harry's like a computer that needs to be rebooted. 哈利现在就像一台需要重启的计算机。

    10. We thought this might jog your memory. 我们以为这么做能刺激你的记忆。

    11. Fair enough. 那好吧。

    12. I believe the UN has no teeth. 我认为联合国没有实权。

    13. He showed his hand. 他的意图已经暴露。

    14. I'd like to throw my hat in the ring. 我想毛遂自荐。


    Eggsy: So weird to think this tiny thing could save the world.

    Jack: Let me have a look.

    Eggsy: Harry.

    Harry: Am I late? You found the antidote.

    Jack: Get down!

    Eggsy: You fucking dickhead!

    Jack: Fuck you! I just saved your life!

    Eggsy: Yeah, and cost millions of people theirs!

    Jack: All right, they're going for cover and reloading. I'll fix their wagons. Cover me, boys!

    Harry: Wait. Eggsy, I think he could be working for the other side.

    Eggsy: What the fuck is wrong with you? You're having a brain fart! Look! Does that look like he's working with them? Harry, are you seeing butterflies again?

    Harry: I know what I'm seeing.

    Eggsy: Good job he didn't need our help.

    Jack: Thank fucking Christ I didn't need any backup! I'm out of ammo! Troop carrier coming in. What've you got?

    Eggsy: Fuck! Shit! There's a fuck ton of 'em!

    Jack: What is this? Looks like you packed for a fucking slumber party, not a mission!

    Eggsy: And they've got fucking Gatling guns!

    Troop: You have 10 seconds to surrender before we open fire!

    Eggsy: Guys, hurry up!

    Troop: 10!

    Jack: Hey!

    Troop: 9!

    Jack: Butterfly guy!

    Troop: 8!

    Jack: You don't look like Ginger fixed you right.

    Troop: 7!

    Jack: I said I'm empty!

    Troop: 6!

    Jack: Give me yours.

    Troop: 5!

    Eggsy: Harry, give him the fucking gun!

    Troop: 4!

    (Harry shot Jack in the head)

    Eggsy: Harry, no!

    Troop: Oh, fuck it! Fire!

    Eggsy: Harry, get down! I mean, honestly, Harry, what the fuck is wrong with you?

    Harry: He broke the vial on purpose!

    Eggsy: You're a fucking idiot! You're out of control, Harry!

    Harry: If we made it out of here, he was gonna kill us both!

    Eggsy: For fuck's sake, it looks like he wouldn't have fucking had to!

    Harry: Oh, ye of little faith.

    Eggsy: This does not mean you're off the fucking hook!

    Harry: We need to go dark. We don't know who else at Statesman could be working against us.

    Eggsy: Shit! This is all my fault. You weren't ready for the field and I pushed for it!

    Harry: He showed his hand. You think he'd have let us live? You should be thanking me for saving our arses!

    Eggsy: Saving our arses? Try saying that to fucking Whiskey! You are unbelievable! Merlin, can you hear me?

    Merlin: Yes, Eggsy.

    Eggsy: Whiskey's down. He's been shot.

    Merlin: What happened?

    Eggsy: He got caught in the crossfire. I've applied the alpha gel. We'll bring him in. But first, I've gotta find a way to get back up to that lab and retrieve more antidote.

      上一篇:《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》电影精讲(视频) 下一篇:《银翼杀手2049》电影精讲(视频)


