Chapter 5
As they started toward the mountain pass, Arlo felt a giant lump growing in his throat. Fear seemed to take over his entire body. Even though he was with Poppa, he had never been so scared.
The wind moved noisily through the trees and caused branches to bend and sway. Arlo looked at the sky. Dark storm clouds seemed to be swirling in and he started to feel even worse. “Poppa, what if we get lost?” he asked, glancing around at his strange surroundings.
But Poppa wasn’t stopping for anything. “We’ll follow the river home,” he said plainly.
Thunder rumbled and popped in the distance as Poppa continued to push Arlo along. “Come on,” he said.
Soon rain started to fall, and water began to fill the critter’s tracks in the mud—making them disappear.
“We’re losing it!” cried Poppa, picking up speed.
Arlo tried to keep up with him.
Lightning flashed, causing Arlo to whimper. The thunder was louder now and the storm was absolutely terrifying!
Trying to keep up, Arlo slipped in the mud and tumbled to the ground. “Poppa!” Arlo called. “Wait!”
Poppa turned and saw his son struggling, trembling with fear. Poppa softened. “It’s okay, Arlo. It’s okay,” he said kindly. “I’m sorry. I’ll help you through it.”
“Wh-wh-what if I just can’t—?” Arlo stammered.
“I know you can. You got it in you.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you’re me, and more,” Poppa said, smiling.
Lightening quickly flashed again, and the thunder grew even louder. The storm seemed to be right on top of them. Arlo leaned against Poppa, desperate for comfort. Poppa helped Arlo up and out of the mud. “Whaddya say we head home?” he asked.
As they started back, the ground trembled and the river swelled. Arlo could hear the ripping, crunching sound of roots coming out of the ground, and the loud thumping of trees falling against the wilderness floor in the distance.
Suddenly, Poppa’s face showed alarm and he yelled, “Run, Arlo!” He pushed Arlo up the hill with all his might, trying to get him away from the river. Arlo’s feet sank into the wet, thick mud as Poppa yelled, “Move!”
Horrified, Arlo looked up river and saw something huge and black coming toward them. The wind whipped faster, stinging Arlo’s eyes and knocking down trees so close that the sound of them hitting the ground was deafening. The thunder and lightning intensified. And Arlo froze, too terrified to move.
All at once, the river water seemed to rise to the sky and roared toward them like a monster. Using all his might, Poppa threw Arlo up to the safety of the riverbank. Arlo helplessly watched as Poppa tried to get up the hill and slipped—just as the giant wall of water hit. Arlo cried out as he watched the water swallow Poppa and sweep him away.
Arlo stared at the raging river as it became a colorless blur. The trees, the sky, and the earth beneath his feet seemed to melt away as he felt an indescribable hollowness.
Poppa was gone.
第 5 章