No.014 《Capote》 卡波特 人生背后的灵魂伤痛
Capote is a 2005 biographical film about Truman Capote, following the events during the writing of Capote's non-fiction book In Cold Blood.
The creation of one of the most memorable books of the 1960s—and the impact the writing and research would have on its author—is explored in this drama based on a true story. In 1959, Truman Capote (played by Philip Seymour Hoffman) was a critically acclaimed novelist who had earned a small degree of celebrity for his work when he read a short newspaper item about a multiple murder in a small Kansas town. For some reason, the story fascinated Capote, and he asked William Shawn (Bob Balaban), his editor at The New Yorker, to let him write a piece about the case. Capote had long believed that in the right hands, a true story could be molded into a tale as compelling as any fiction, and he believed this event, in which the brutal and unimaginable was visited upon a community where it was least expected, could be just the right material. Capote traveled to Kansas with his close friend Harper Lee (Catherine Keener), herself becoming a major literary figure with the success of To Kill a Mockingbird, and while Capote's effete and mannered personal style stuck out like a sore thumb in Kansas, in time he gained the trust of Alvin Dewey (Chris Cooper), the Kansas Bureau of Investigation agent investigating the murder of the Clutter family, and with his help Capote's magazine piece grew into a full-length book. Capote also became familiar with the petty criminals who killed the Clutter family, Dick Hickock (Mark Pellegrino) and Perry Smith (Clifton Collins Jr.), and in Smith he found a troubling kindred spirit more like himself than he wanted to admit. After attaining a sort of friendship with Smith under the assumption that the man would be executed before the book was ever published, Capote finds himself forced to directly confront the moral implications of his actions with regards to both his role in the man's death, and the way that he would be remembered. Capote also co-stars Bruce Greenwood as Capote's longtime companion Jack Dunphy, and Amy Ryan as Mary Dewey, Alvin's wife who became a confidante of Capote's.
Capote was in principal photography for 36 days, from October 25, 2004 to December 1, 2004. The movie was filmed mostly in Manitoba in the autumn of 2004. It was released September 30, 2005, to coincide with Truman Capote's 81st birthday.
Philip Seymour Hoffman won several awards, including the 78th Academy Award for Best Actor, for his critically acclaimed portrayal of the title role. The film was nominated for four 78th Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director (Bennett Miller), Best Supporting Actress (Catherine Keener) and Best Adapted Screenplay (Dan Futterman).
《冷血》的主角原型是1959年美国一个凶残杀手佩里(克利夫顿·克林斯 饰),他仅仅为了100美元,杀害了一家4口。敏感的卡波特觉得这桩新闻的价值非常大,在杂志社的帮助下,前往案发地调查杀手,一篇纪实文学在卡波特心里开始酝酿,从而功成利就。
And while Capote's effete and mannered personal style stuck out like a sore thumb in Kansas
Sore thumb是英语中的一个固定搭配,它是“显而易见的事情;痛苦(或尴尬)的事情;引人注目的事情”的意思,比如:If you put a purple sofa in a white room it will stick out like a sore thumb.(如果在白色屋子里放个紫色沙发就太显眼了。)
And with his help Capote's magazine piece grew into a full-length book
Grow(过去式是grew)into是英语中一个固定搭配,在文中,该搭配是“成长为,发展成”的意思,比如:The site should be able to grow into a portal in the future.(该网站应该能够成长为在未来的门户。)Grow into可以表达“(孩子)长大得可以穿进(衣服等)”的意思,比如:These shoes are a little too big for him,but he'll grow into them.(这双鞋子对他来讲稍微大一点,不过他长大后可以穿。)另外,该搭配还有“长进…里面;变得习惯于”等意思。
memorable[ˈmemərəbl] adj. 显著的,难忘的;值得纪念的
novelist[ˈnɔvəlist] n. 小说家
compelling[kəmˈpeliŋ] adj. 引人注目的;强制的;激发兴趣的
brutal[ˈbru:təl] adj. 残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的
unimaginable[ˌʌniˈmædʒinəbl] adj. 不可思议的;难以想像的
literary[ˈlitərəri] adj. 文学的;书面的;精通文学的
thumb[θʌm] n. 拇指
assumption[əˈsʌmpʃən] n. 假定;设想;担任;采取
companion[kəmˈpænjən] n. 同伴;朋友;指南;手册
confidante[ˌkɔnfiˈdænt] n. 知心女友;18世纪的一种沙发