教程:英语对话  浏览:8336  
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    Fred:What time is it?

    Dina:8:50 (ten to nine)。

    Fred:Your watch is 10 minutes slow, so it should be 9:00 (nine sharp). I’m gonna be late again. What will my excuse be this time? We should’ve set the alarm for 7:30.

    Dina:Don’t cry over spilt milk. Fred, could you stay with me a few more minutes?

    Fred:What, why? What’s wrong with you?

    Dina:I just hate being alone at home with nothing to do but listen to the clock ticking. It’s so lonely and boring. My sickness makes it worse. When will I recover?

    Fred:You’ll be fine in a couple of months. Just be patient. I’ve got to go to work now or I’ll be late。

    Dina:You only care about your work。

    Fred:Sorry, baby. You’re everything to me. All I do is for this family。

    Dina:Stay just a few minutes longer, okay?

    Fred:OK. I’ll leave at 9:15. Is that all right?


    Fred:I’ll spend more time with you in the future, Dina。

    Dina:Thank you。

      上一篇:英语情景对话(日常口语):数字 下一篇:英语情景对话(日常口语):日期

