John:Miss Wang, I’d like to ask you a question if you don’t mind。
Miss Wang:Sure, John. Go ahead。
John:This may seem a bit sudden and out of left field, but I’d like us to be more than colleagues。
Miss Wang:I’ve always thought of you as more than a colleague, John. You’ve always been my friend。
John:Maybe I’m not making myself clear. I’ll cut right to the quick. You know, I’m single. I hope you would like to marry me。
Miss Wang:You’re right, Ah…This is a bit unexpected. To tell you the truth, I’ve never thought of you that way before。
John:Unexpected? Yes. But I’ve had the wish for a long time。
Miss Wang:John, thank you for the lovely offer but my feelings for you don’t go beyond friendship。
John:I see. Miss Wang, do forgive me。
Miss Wang:It doesn’t matter. We are still friends, aren’t we?
John:Yes, of course.