A: Madonna is really beautiful. She would be the belle of the ball at any party.
B: Assuming Britney Spears had the flu and was stuck in bed,obviously.
A: Madonna真是太美了,在任何聚会上都很抢眼。
B: 你是说Britney Spears患了感冒卧病在床的时候吧。
A: Kate and Peter make a great couple, don’t they? They lend a bit of glamour to theoccasion.
B: They certainly are glamorous. She is a knockout and he is a dreamboat.
A: Kate和Peter怎是绝配的一对儿,不是吗?他们为这聚会增色不少。
B: 他们的确魅力四射。Kate能迷倒一大批人,Peter又是个万人迷。
belle of the ball: 原指在舞会上找伴儿的单身女性。现多指某个群体中最显眼的人,或某个场合中众人注目的焦点。
be stuck in: 动弹不得。
occasion: 聚会,盛会。
glamorous: 富有魅力的,有风度的。通常用来形容穿着正式、看起来极具吸引力。
knockout: 愿意是击倒,打晕。形容某人极具吸引力,看一眼就会使人兴奋得喘不过气或吃惊得说不出话。
dreamboat: 梦中情人,完美的人,极漂亮的人。多用来形容男性。