A: It was an inconsiderable amount that the insurance company paid after his death.
B: He had such a small policy that it was worth only $400.
A: 他死后保险公司只赔了少得可怜的钱。
B: 他的保单上也没投多少,只值400美元。
A: There is a slight different between a size 42 dress and a size 44 dress.
B: I can barely tell the difference, though I suppose one is a little longer.
A: 42号和44号的连衣裙只有微小的差别。
B: 我可分不出来,不过我想应该有一个长一些。
inconsiderable: 不足取的;不值得考虑的;琐屑的。
insurance: 保险。
policy: 保险契约;保险单。
slight: 少量的;极不重要的;不足道的。
barely: 几乎不;简直没。