第20课:勇敢的 - 4
A: The character in my story was undaunted by the threat on his life. Perhaps that is where his rash behavior stemmed from.
B: Yes, his courage was great, but also his love for his girlfriend allowed him to be bold and valiant.
A: Yes, he was lionhearted enough to run into the burning building to save her.
A: 我故事里的人物尽管生命受到威胁却毫不畏惧。也许他鲁莽的行为据源于此。
B: 没错,他的勇气可嘉,他对女朋友的爱使他变得更加大胆、勇猛。
A: 他真是勇猛,竟然冲进被烈火包围的大楼里去救她。
undaunted: (尽管情势危险或障碍重重仍)无所畏惧的,大胆的,勇敢的。
rash: (不计后果或危险)鲁莽的;轻率莽撞的。
stem from: 起源于;由……造成。
bold: 勇敢的;大胆的。
valiant: 不被困难所吓倒的,英勇的,勇猛的。
lionhearted: 像狮子一样勇敢的。