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      dialogue 1

      UM: What do tbc Cbincse think of Liu Xiang?


      Zhang: A national icon. He embodies the dream of the wbole Chinese people. Even tbough we have reaped dozcns of gold medals in weightlifting, diving. table tcnnis and so on.

      success in the track and field events has been quite limied and Liu's victory in Athens marked a great breakthrough for Chincsc athlctics. He debunkcd an ingrained racial



      L I understand.Athlctic cVcntS rcflcct directly a nation's general physical aptitude.Westerncrs used to conceive of the Asian race as incompetent in track cvents. Liu's victory mcans this has bccome a thing of the past


      Z: Yeah, Asians bave pmven themsleves in recent years. We have made tremendous progress not only in track and field but also in rowing, swimming, cquestrian fencing, and so on

      and so forth.


      L: So, that's why you burst into hystcria whcn Liu finisherd frrst in Athens, isn't it?WelI' by the same token, if the Amcrican table tcnnis team claimed the World Championship title onc day, wc would be on cloud ninel

      这大概就是当初刘翔折桂雅典时,你们欣喜若狂的原因.吧?嗯,同样的道理,如果哪一天我们美田乒乓球队获 世乒赛冠军,我们也会欢天喜地的。

      dialogue 2

      Andrew: Liu Xiang quit the race in the first round. Did you hear the news?


      Wang: I was in at the kill. We watchced with broken hearts he pullcd up lame.


      A: Actually, I had held out high hopes for him, even though his rival Roberts was apparently in pcak condition. Now the whole nation is disappointcd. Oh, it was all the injurics. One can ncver tell about these sorts of things.


      W: Well. Liu is really off form this year, but I think it improper to put down an athlete justbecause he fails to win. His departure has been a huge surprise and a hcavy blow to us all,all right! Yet just recall tbose glories he has cIaimed for the country.


      A:Yes, I got you. How could any Chinese audicnce forgct that scene? It was a miraculous evening. He dashed likc a lightcning bolt through the finish line and roared up towards the


      W: And a few minutcs latcr' he mounted the podium and sang the national anthcm, drapcd in a red flag. What an cnviablc scenc!


      A: Yeah, yeah! We will never losc confidence in him. When llc rcturned to Shanghai afler the Games, he was even rcd-carpet treatment. He'II certainly be back on the rails again!


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