Susan: How many cokes have you had today?
Mike: This is my third. I have 3 or 4 cokes everyday. I'm a Coke addict..
Susan: You should really try to cut down.
Mike: Why? I love it. Okay. I admit it. I'm hooked on caffeine..
Susan: It's not just the caffeine, but the amount of sugar that's in soft drinks. All that sugar and caffeine can't be good for you.
Mike: Oh, I know it. But I just can't stop. I've had this caffeine habit for years.
Susan: Have you ever tried to cut down?
Mike: Actually I have. If I go a day without a coke my body gets shaky and I feel tense.
Susan: It sounds like you've got a real problem. But you're not alone. Have you ever gone to a doctor or tried to get help?
Mike: I never have. I've thought about it, but just haven't taken the time.
Susan: What are you doing after work? I'll take you to a place that can help you.
Mike: You sure seem to know a lot about addictive habits.
Susan: I do. I used to drink 5 cokes a day myself!
Mike: Hey, I appreciate you helping me. I really do.
Susan: No problem. That's what friends are for.