M: Hi, Tom! Your pictures are terrific. How long have you been a photographer?
T: For about two years. That's the one thing I really enjoy.
M: I've just bought a new camera Would you please show me how it works?
T: Yes, of course. It's a snap. First of all, you have to make sure the battery has been charged.
M: Yes, I charged it yesterday.
T: OK. Then let's check the memory card. Umm... it's good. It is necessary to have some space for your pictures. Now everything is ready, you can take a picture. Press this button.
(Mary presses the button and takes a photograph)
M: That's cool! I succeed. Thank you, Tom!
T: Wait a minute. See it carefully. You see? The picture is faint.
M: Oh, yes, what's wrong?
T: When you take a picture, you must hold the camera steadily without any thrill. It's very import,ant. Now try it again.
(Mary follows Tom's words and takes another photograph)
M: The penny drops. You're really good at it.
T: It's not a big deal. You also have to adjust the lens while using the camera at night.
M: I'II remember that. Thank you very much, Tom.
T: You're welcome.
1.necessary 读作/ˈnesɪsərɪ/,这是一个多音节词,重音在第一个音节上。
所谓派生词,就是借助前缀和后缀在某一单词的基础上构成的新单词,如前缀un-加词根necessary形成派生词。派生词的重音一般和词根的重音一致,如necessary /ˈnesɪsərɪ/,重音在第一个音节,其派生词unnecessary /ʌnˈesɪsərɪ/和necessarily /ˈnesɪsərɪlɪ/的重音也都在词根的第一个音节上。但也有些派生词与词根的重音不一致。有些名词派生出来的形容词,重音与词根相比通常会后移,如:
science/ˈsaɪəns/科学→scientific /saɪənˈtɪfɪk/科学的。