教程:英语对话  浏览:862  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    A: 你好,我想租房。

    B: 请问您想租怎样的房子?

    A: 我想租一套两室一厅的房子,最好离地铁站近一些,周围有超市和菜市场。

    B: 这样的房子都不便宜。

    A: 一个月多少钱?

    B: 我们有一套这样的房子,一个月三千块。

    A: 好的,我现在能看看吗?

    B: 没问题,请跟我来。

    A: Good day. I want to rent a house.

    B: Please tell me what house do you want?

    A: I want a house with a suite of two rooms and a hall. It would be best to have one , which is somewhat near a subway station and has a supermarket and a food market in the vicinity.

    B: Such a house is not cheap at all.

    A: What's the monthly rent?

    B: We have such a house. The monthly rent is ¥3 000.

    A: All right. Can I take a look now?

    B: No problem. Please follow me.

      上一篇:实用英语对话:失约 下一篇:实用英语对话:女朋友

