胡子 :青青,听说你前阵子去新马泰了?青青 :是呀,跟团去的,新马泰十日游。胡子 :感觉怎样?好玩吗?青青 :就那么回事儿吧。没去过的话还是值得一去。上次我的那个导游比较厚道,你想去的话可以介绍给你。胡子 :那太好了,我正愁这事儿呢。
Huzi: Qingqing, I heard that you went to Singapore, Mylaysia and Thailand days ago.
Qingqing: Yeah, I went on a package tour. And it was a 10-day tour to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Huzi: How did you like it? Was it fun?
Qingqing: Just so-so. If you haven’t gone to those places, it’s worth a tour. My guider this time is very nice and if you want to go on a trip, I can recommend him to you.
Huzi: That’d be great. I’m thinking about that then you just brought up.