YY: Xin Tao, where have you been lately? I couldn't contact you at all.
XT: I moved out of my parents' home.
YY: Surely not? Why did you move out?
XT: I felt aggrieved over an argument I had with my parents and moved out in the spur of moment.
YY: What? How can you be so rash, your parents must be worried sick.
XT: Actually, what triggered the whole thing was when my parents said that they won't be paying for my living expenses anymore in the future. I think they just wanted to throw me out and leave me to fend for myself.
YY: Throw you out and leave you to fend for yourself? How can you think like that? I really take pity on parents the world over, all they only hope for is that their children will have it good. (lit. which mum and dad don't hope the best for their children?) I think they're doing this so that you can quickly learn how to stand on your own feet. So, how did you support yourself during this period after you left your parents?
XT: I've been working at a fast food restaurant, the pay isn't much but it's enough to cover food and rent (lit. accommodation). They increased my pay recently, so I also started saving some money.
YY: So life must be hard, right?
XT: To tell you the truth, this is the first time in my life that I've done such hard work. The first few days on the job was just scrubbing the pots and washing the dishes, I really felt down and out, but I wanted to prove to my parents that I can get by just fine without them, so I persevered.
YY: So you see, actually you can be self-reliant, right? It's not possible for us to depend on our parents all our lives. So have you moved back home?
XT: Not yet, I want to wait until I get a more decent job before I return home. I have called my parents though, just to let them know that I'm alright. I also told them that I can stand on my own feet now. At first they were quite worried but were relieved after getting a better picture of my situation.
YY: That's good, feel free to let me know should you need my help.
XT: Thanks.