A: Hello, I'm Tu and I'm from Vietnam.
B: And I'm JM from the Philippines.
A: Our question today is where do you like to hang out? For me a favorite place to hang out is going shopping and eating out in some restaurant with my friends. I can spend hours in some supermarket to shop and to go around to see what kind of like new fashion and things like some type off stuf like small stuff and then go eating with my friends but I don't really like to hang out with some guys because sometimes they feel so bored with the way I hang out too long in some shops and some restaurants so I prefer going out with some of my girlfriends.
B: I see. Well for me I like to hang out at the beach, just laying on the sand catching some rays, thinking of the Indian Ocean around then, hanging out with friends and just relaxing the whole day. And then after that I'd like to go home and play some video games and I like video games a lot so I can play that the whole night and then just repeat the whole process again the next morning. Yeah, that's how I like to hang out.
A: Cool. Do you like video games?
B: Yes. I love video games, I'm always playing them.
A: I don't like it. I don't like it.
B: I'm sorry to hear that.
A: OK. See you bye bye.
B: Right, see you bye bye.
A: Hello, I'm Tu and I'm from Vietnam.
B: And I'm JM from the Philippines.
A: Our question today is where do you like to hang out? For me a favorite place to hang out is going shopping and eating out in some restaurant with my friends. I can spend hours in some supermarket to shop and to go around to see what kind of like new fashion and things like some type off stuf like small stuff and then go eating with my friends but I don't really like to hang out with some guys because sometimes they feel so bored with the way I hang out too long in some shops and some restaurants so I prefer going out with some of my girlfriends.
B: I see. Well for me I like to hang out at the beach, just laying on the sand catching some rays, thinking of the Indian Ocean around then, hanging out with friends and just relaxing the whole day. And then after that I'd like to go home and play some video games and I like video games a lot so I can play that the whole night and then just repeat the whole process again the next morning. Yeah, that's how I like to hang out.
A: Cool. Do you like video games?
B: Yes. I love video games, I'm always playing them.
A: I don't like it. I don't like it.
B: I'm sorry to hear that.
A: OK. See you bye bye.
B: Right, see you bye bye.