A: Let's talk about Croatian cuisine, is there such a thing?
B: I would roughly say yes, but traditionally, the continental and the coastal part of the country has different cooking traditions.
A: Why do you think is that?
B: It probably has something to do with the historical diversity between these two regions. And also with the difference in climate and also food availability. The winters are really cold in the continent and consequently the food has to be heavier.
A: You said heavier, how heavy?
B: You know with bigger energetic values, like products made of pork or stillwater fish or goose meat, and also the specificity is that this type of food is quite spicy.
A: And the Croatian coastal part?
B: The cuisine in the coastal part is more Mediterranean type, more nutritional. People use olive oil, seafood, lighter meat flavored with herbs etc. And also lots of fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked.
A: I don't have to guess what you prefer.
B: It's obvious, the Mediterranean feeding habits and the cooking techniques are much healthier, you must admit. But in Istria you can feel the presence of a combined continental and Mediterranean cooking tradition.
A: You have told me in general, but tell me the exact names of local meals you would recommend a visitor to your region, Istria.
B: First, for the appetizer some local cheese and ham with olives that's called SIR I PRUT S MASLINAMA, then for the first course an Istrian kind of minestrone that's called MANETRA, and for the second course pasta with sauce or how as locals call it FUI SA UGOM.
先来说开胃菜,我推荐SIR I PRUT S MASLINAMA,是用当地的奶酪、火腿再搭配橄榄,头盘我推荐MANETRA,这是伊斯特拉式的蔬菜浓汤,第二道菜是意大利面,当地人称为FUI SA UGOM。
A: It's okay, but you've forgotten to mention the wine.
B: Well, wine is an important part of the gastronomic experience but it's not limited to the coastal regions, wine is served along with food throughout Croatia. But you did make a good point since in the last decade, Istrian wines have become quite popular.
A: What wines from Istria would you recommend?
B: The most popular wines are Istrian Malmsey, or as it's called locally, istarska malvazija, Muscat, or mukat, Teran and Merlot.
最受欢迎的葡萄酒是Istrian Malmsey,当地人称为istarska malvazija,还有麝香葡萄酒或mukat以及Teran and Merlot葡萄酒。
A: So the message for a tourist wishing to have an Istrian culinary experience would be?
B: It would be something like this: Dear Guests, after a day of enjoying at the seaside, go to the country and find a nice little family restaurant that offers local cuisine served in the shades under the old trees. Try it, you won't regret the experience. The food is both tasty and healthy, the aromatic countryside herbs make your body and soul relax and the wine will lift up your mood.
A: Thank you very much for this conversation.
B: Thank you.
A: Let's talk about Croatian cuisine, is there such a thing?
B: I would roughly say yes, but traditionally, the continental and the coastal part of the country has different cooking traditions.
A: Why do you think is that?
B: It probably has something to do with the historical diversity between these two regions. And also with the difference in climate and also food availability. The winters are really cold in the continent and consequently the food has to be heavier.
A: You said heavier, how heavy?
B: You know with bigger energetic values, like products made of pork or stillwater fish or goose meat, and also the specificity is that this type of food is quite spicy.
A: And the Croatian coastal part?
B: The cuisine in the coastal part is more Mediterranean type, more nutritional. People use olive oil, seafood, lighter meat flavored with herbs etc. And also lots of fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked.
A: I don't have to guess what you prefer.
B: It's obvious, the Mediterranean feeding habits and the cooking techniques are much healthier, you must admit. But in Istria you can feel the presence of a combined continental and Mediterranean cooking tradition.
A: You have told me in general, but tell me the exact names of local meals you would recommend a visitor to your region, Istria.
B: First, for the appetizer some local cheese and ham with olives that's called SIR I PRUT S MASLINAMA, then for the first course an Istrian kind of minestrone that's called MANETRA, and for the second course pasta with sauce or how as locals call it FUI SA UGOM.
先来说开胃菜,我推荐SIR I PRUT S MASLINAMA,是用当地的奶酪、火腿再搭配橄榄,头盘我推荐MANETRA,这是伊斯特拉式的蔬菜浓汤,第二道菜是意大利面,当地人称为FUI SA UGOM。
A: It's okay, but you've forgotten to mention the wine.
B: Well, wine is an important part of the gastronomic experience but it's not limited to the coastal regions, wine is served along with food throughout Croatia. But you did make a good point since in the last decade, Istrian wines have become quite popular.
A: What wines from Istria would you recommend?
B: The most popular wines are Istrian Malmsey, or as it's called locally, istarska malvazija, Muscat, or mukat, Teran and Merlot.
最受欢迎的葡萄酒是Istrian Malmsey,当地人称为istarska malvazija,还有麝香葡萄酒或mukat以及Teran and Merlot葡萄酒。
A: So the message for a tourist wishing to have an Istrian culinary experience would be?
B: It would be something like this: Dear Guests, after a day of enjoying at the seaside, go to the country and find a nice little family restaurant that offers local cuisine served in the shades under the old trees. Try it, you won't regret the experience. The food is both tasty and healthy, the aromatic countryside herbs make your body and soul relax and the wine will lift up your mood.
A: Thank you very much for this conversation.
B: Thank you.