A:Hello, Frederick.
B:Hi, Todd.
A:Frederick, we are talking about school and education and our topic now is homework. Do you think students in university should have lots of homework?
B:I think your question is very precise. I think students in university is different than students in high school or junior college. Now in university, you should be a responsible student. Now what I mean by being a responsible student is that the teacher doesn't have to tell you what you should do. You should know what you have to do, and so homework perhaps should not be something so important to you as a responsible student.
A:So, you are saying that students should studyon their own.
B:They should.
A:And not be told what to study?
B:They should be told what to study, but they should not be told how they should study by giving them a framework of homework.
A:Alright, so for example if they are studying math they should be told what principles they need to learn but they shouldn't actually have to do a handout andturnitinevery day.
B:No, because they know that at the end of the semester they will have and exam and if they haven't done what theywere supposed to, well, I don't think they can pass that class.
A:As a teacher, I'm not so sure because you are a very motivated person and I think many students are motivated and disciplined like you but I have many students I think that just are not motivated and they won't do it unless I make them do it, like if I make them do it, then they might generate interest and they might improve but if I I don't make themhand inhomework, if I don't tell them what to do, I don't think they'll study at all. They'll just party and have fun.
B:OK, Iagree withyou. There are certain students that need to be told what to do. There are people that have a hard time doing thingsby themselves. I agree with you, but perhaps this idea of homework, it just kind of comes out of high school or junior high school where the teacher tells you what to do, but in university it's different because assignment would be very important, so perhaps you would give the students and assignement every week but not homework every day and the assignment would count for a certain percentage and then that would give the incentive to the students to do it. If you don't give the students any incentive, then they will not be motivated.
A:That's a good point. I agree with you somewhat.
A:Hello, Frederick.
B:Hi, Todd.
A:Frederick, we are talking about school and education and our topic now is homework. Do you think students in university should have lots of homework?
B:I think your question is very precise. I think students in university is different than students in high school or junior college. Now in university, you should be a responsible student. Now what I mean by being a responsible student is that the teacher doesn't have to tell you what you should do. You should know what you have to do, and so homework perhaps should not be something so important to you as a responsible student.
A:So, you are saying that students should studyon their own.
B:They should.
A:And not be told what to study?
B:They should be told what to study, but they should not be told how they should study by giving them a framework of homework.
A:Alright, so for example if they are studying math they should be told what principles they need to learn but they shouldn't actually have to do a handout andturnitinevery day.
B:No, because they know that at the end of the semester they will have and exam and if they haven't done what theywere supposed to, well, I don't think they can pass that class.
A:As a teacher, I'm not so sure because you are a very motivated person and I think many students are motivated and disciplined like you but I have many students I think that just are not motivated and they won't do it unless I make them do it, like if I make them do it, then they might generate interest and they might improve but if I I don't make themhand inhomework, if I don't tell them what to do, I don't think they'll study at all. They'll just party and have fun.
B:OK, Iagree withyou. There are certain students that need to be told what to do. There are people that have a hard time doing thingsby themselves. I agree with you, but perhaps this idea of homework, it just kind of comes out of high school or junior high school where the teacher tells you what to do, but in university it's different because assignment would be very important, so perhaps you would give the students and assignement every week but not homework every day and the assignment would count for a certain percentage and then that would give the incentive to the students to do it. If you don't give the students any incentive, then they will not be motivated.
A:That's a good point. I agree with you somewhat.