A: What sports are you into?
B: I like everything. I do everything.
A: Really!
B: Yeah.
A: What's the last sport you played?
B: The last sport I played — I'm just looking at my calendar — the last sport I played was probably Ultimate Frisbee, oh, yeah, Ultimate Frisbee.
A: OK, so a lot of people probably don't know what Ultimate Frisbee is. Can you explain it?
B: Yeah. It's a field sport played on a soccer pitch type thing but the field is similar to American football so there's two end-zones and the game is similar to American football in that you're trying to receive an object in an end-zone by catching it within that end-zone. And to advance, it is also similar in that there's a kick off from one kind of team to the other to receive the object and move it up the field, but when you receive the Frisbee, it gets thrown at you from the other team, when you receive the Frisbee you can't run with it unlike American football, so once you receive the disk, you must stop running and you can make a pass to another player and so it's basically a throwing and catching sport and it's a lot of fun.
A: And you can play anywhere — in the street or in the park?
B: Well, you can, yeah, you can, like, grab a Frisbee and go throw with it a friend anywhere that you want to but the game of Ultimate Frisbee is played with seven players a side on each team, and yeah, you can play it everywhere.
A: What sports are you into?
B: I like everything. I do everything.
A: Really!
B: Yeah.
A: What's the last sport you played?
B: The last sport I played — I'm just looking at my calendar — the last sport I played was probably Ultimate Frisbee, oh, yeah, Ultimate Frisbee.
A: OK, so a lot of people probably don't know what Ultimate Frisbee is. Can you explain it?
B: Yeah. It's a field sport played on a soccer pitch type thing but the field is similar to American football so there's two end-zones and the game is similar to American football in that you're trying to receive an object in an end-zone by catching it within that end-zone. And to advance, it is also similar in that there's a kick off from one kind of team to the other to receive the object and move it up the field, but when you receive the Frisbee, it gets thrown at you from the other team, when you receive the Frisbee you can't run with it unlike American football, so once you receive the disk, you must stop running and you can make a pass to another player and so it's basically a throwing and catching sport and it's a lot of fun.
A: And you can play anywhere — in the street or in the park?
B: Well, you can, yeah, you can, like, grab a Frisbee and go throw with it a friend anywhere that you want to but the game of Ultimate Frisbee is played with seven players a side on each team, and yeah, you can play it everywhere.