名叫“Play Your Cards Right”的游戏怎么玩
A: Clare, what are your plans for tonight?
B: Well, tonight, first of all I'm going to head back home and take a nap because I've got a big night ahead of me. So, I'm going to be going out quite late, about 11:00 so I'll need my energy, but unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to have much of a rest because it will be probably half past seven (7:30) by the time I get home and I need to start getting ready at about 9:00 so, an hour and a half max.
A: Actually, what do you do to get ready when you go out?
B: Well, have a shower, get changed, and then, play some games.
A: OK. What games do you play?
B: Well, we've recently acquired a pack of giant cards, so we'll be playing some card games with the giant cards.
A: So, can you like, give a specific game that you play?
B: Well, I don't know if you know the game "Play Your Cards Right"
你知不知道一个名叫“Play Your Cards Right”的游戏?
A: No, no, how do you play?
B: It's actually a TV game show. We take it from that. And it's very simple. You have a row of cards that you can't see. And you turn over the first one, and you have to say whether the next card is going to be higher or lower. Very simple, so, so you turn over a 10, and you say lower, and it's a 6, so you carry on. You say, "higher" and it's a 4, and if you're wrong....so as you can imagine, it's very easy to go wrong.
A: Yeah. It sounds like a good game. Well, have a good time tonight and good luck in getting ready.