A: I had a pet dog back in China. She is a girl and her name is Little.
B:She must be cute.
A:Yes. She is very beautiful and I used to play with her. We are best friends.
B:So now you are in America, how about Little?
A:She is at home with my mom... Speaking of this, I'm a little bit homesick. I miss my parents, and I miss Little.
B:Oh, I see you. But cheer up! You’ll have new friends here.
B:Have you heard of Handsome Dan XVII?
A:I'd heard of him. I thought Handsome Dan was a handsome young man, but told that he is a bulldog who serves as the Yale mascot.
B: Exactly. You know, it is popular in America for a university to have a mascot. Then have you seen him or not? Do you like him?
A:No, I haven’t got the chance to see him yet.
B:Maybe later we shall go together to see him. I’m sure you’ll love him.
A:That’s music to my ears.
B:By the way, do you know the history of Handsome Dans?
A: I‘d read something about the original Handsome Dan. He is Yalies’ beloved dog. Even after his death, people still bear him in mind constantly.
B:Right. The dog was so cute that he made himself endeared to every Yale student.
A:By the way, I know nothing about the later ones. Would you please tell me more?
B:Sure. After his death, there was no successor until 1933,when Dan II was purchased with the pennies of freshmen. He is known as a jinx because on his only appearance at one Harvard-Yale football game, Harvard won. What’s more, the “Bad Dan” was photographed licking the boots of the John Harvard statue which were smeared with hamburger meat.
没问题。丹尼一世死后_直设有继任者,直到1933年,才用大_新生们的捐款 买来了丹尼二世。它只在耶鲁对哈佛的球赛中出现过一次,结果哈佛赢了,因此 丹尼二世被叫做“扫把星”。此外,这只“可恶的丹尼”还被拍到舔食约翰?哈佛 雕像的靴子上的肉酱。
A:He betrayed Yale.
B:Well, you may say that.
A:Tell me more, please. How about the later Dans?
B:The following successors met much difficulty and disaster. For example, Dan III and Dan VIII retired because of discomfort with public appearances. Dan VI died of a car accident. Dan IX fell off of the Yale Boathouse dock and was found head first in the muddy riverbed, nearly drowning.
接下来的几位继承者命运多舛。比如,丹尼三世和丹尼八世因为不习惯在公众面 前露面而被迫退休;丹尼六世死于车祸:丹尼九世从船坞上掉下来,头朝下栽到 河床的泥里,差点儿淹死。
A:Dogs are dogs.
B:Dan XII is the only female Handsome Dan. She was pugnacious and stubborn, but lovable. She,d like to be intimate with people, and when she was angry, she would growl deep in the throat.
丹尼第十二世是惟一一位女性“英俊的丹尼”。它生性好斗而顽固,但是很讨人 喜欢。它喜欢与人亲热,但是生气的时候喉咙里又会发出深沉的低吼,令人害怕。
A:She had a unique personality. Didn’t she?
B:Exactly. She was nicknamed “Bingo”. When Yale cheerleaders sang Bingo an Bulldog during the games, Bingo would start her performance with the rhythm,moving around the field.
确实。人们绐它起了 “宾果"的昵称。比赛中,每当啦啦队队员们演唱〈宾果〉和(牛 头犬之歌〉,它就会随着旋律表演起来,在场上走来走去。
A: She is really cute. It seems that you are familiar with every Dan.
B:Of course. Handsome Dan is the representative of Yale. Yalies love dogs. You know, now it’s common sense to live harmoniously with animals. They bring us much fun.
当然啦。"英俊的丹尼’’是耶鲁的象征。耶鲁人爱狗,而且,"人与动物应和谐共 处”已经成为共识。动物能带给我们很多乐趣。
A: Are there any outstanding figures?
B: Let me think. It’s Dan XIII. He served in office longer than any other Handsome Dans. Because of the untimely death of his successor, he had to come out of retirement to serve again.
让我想想。是丹尼十三世。它比其他‘‘英俊的丹尼”任期都长。由于它的继任者 不含时宜地死去,它不得不在退休之后又重返岗位。
A:He must have done a good job.
B:Yeah. He showed great patience in the tedium of posing for professional photographers, attended many activities, and his love of Yale was evident in many ways: he would sing along with the Yale fight song at least in the “bow wow wow” part; he would “play dead” when asked whether he would rather die or join Harvard; and he would launch assaults on mascots of opposing teams.
是的。面对单调乏味的拍照,它都耐心地摆好姿势,还参加过许多活动。它在很 多方面都表现出对耶鲁的热爱。比如,它会跟着唱 <耶鲁战斗之歌>,至少在“汪 汪汪"这一部分;当被问到是愿意选择死亡还是愿意加入哈佛的队伍,它就装死; 另外,它还会对对手学校的吉祥物发起猛攻。
A: He is really qualified. How about the present handsome Dan XVII?
B: Well, I'll keep silent about that. Let’s go together to visit him.
A: Good idea.
A: I had a pet dog back in China. She is a girl and her name is Little.
B:She must be cute.
A:Yes. She is very beautiful and I used to play with her. We are best friends.
B:So now you are in America, how about Little?
A:She is at home with my mom... Speaking of this, I'm a little bit homesick. I miss my parents, and I miss Little.
B:Oh, I see you. But cheer up! You’ll have new friends here.
B:Have you heard of Handsome Dan XVII?
A:I'd heard of him. I thought Handsome Dan was a handsome young man, but told that he is a bulldog who serves as the Yale mascot.
B: Exactly. You know, it is popular in America for a university to have a mascot. Then have you seen him or not? Do you like him?
A:No, I haven’t got the chance to see him yet.
B:Maybe later we shall go together to see him. I’m sure you’ll love him.
A:That’s music to my ears.
B:By the way, do you know the history of Handsome Dans?
A: I‘d read something about the original Handsome Dan. He is Yalies’ beloved dog. Even after his death, people still bear him in mind constantly.
B:Right. The dog was so cute that he made himself endeared to every Yale student.
A:By the way, I know nothing about the later ones. Would you please tell me more?
B:Sure. After his death, there was no successor until 1933,when Dan II was purchased with the pennies of freshmen. He is known as a jinx because on his only appearance at one Harvard-Yale football game, Harvard won. What’s more, the “Bad Dan” was photographed licking the boots of the John Harvard statue which were smeared with hamburger meat.
没问题。丹尼一世死后_直设有继任者,直到1933年,才用大_新生们的捐款 买来了丹尼二世。它只在耶鲁对哈佛的球赛中出现过一次,结果哈佛赢了,因此 丹尼二世被叫做“扫把星”。此外,这只“可恶的丹尼”还被拍到舔食约翰?哈佛 雕像的靴子上的肉酱。
A:He betrayed Yale.
B:Well, you may say that.
A:Tell me more, please. How about the later Dans?
B:The following successors met much difficulty and disaster. For example, Dan III and Dan VIII retired because of discomfort with public appearances. Dan VI died of a car accident. Dan IX fell off of the Yale Boathouse dock and was found head first in the muddy riverbed, nearly drowning.
接下来的几位继承者命运多舛。比如,丹尼三世和丹尼八世因为不习惯在公众面 前露面而被迫退休;丹尼六世死于车祸:丹尼九世从船坞上掉下来,头朝下栽到 河床的泥里,差点儿淹死。
A:Dogs are dogs.
B:Dan XII is the only female Handsome Dan. She was pugnacious and stubborn, but lovable. She,d like to be intimate with people, and when she was angry, she would growl deep in the throat.
丹尼第十二世是惟一一位女性“英俊的丹尼”。它生性好斗而顽固,但是很讨人 喜欢。它喜欢与人亲热,但是生气的时候喉咙里又会发出深沉的低吼,令人害怕。
A:She had a unique personality. Didn’t she?
B:Exactly. She was nicknamed “Bingo”. When Yale cheerleaders sang Bingo an Bulldog during the games, Bingo would start her performance with the rhythm,moving around the field.
确实。人们绐它起了 “宾果"的昵称。比赛中,每当啦啦队队员们演唱〈宾果〉和(牛 头犬之歌〉,它就会随着旋律表演起来,在场上走来走去。
A: She is really cute. It seems that you are familiar with every Dan.
B:Of course. Handsome Dan is the representative of Yale. Yalies love dogs. You know, now it’s common sense to live harmoniously with animals. They bring us much fun.
当然啦。"英俊的丹尼’’是耶鲁的象征。耶鲁人爱狗,而且,"人与动物应和谐共 处”已经成为共识。动物能带给我们很多乐趣。
A: Are there any outstanding figures?
B: Let me think. It’s Dan XIII. He served in office longer than any other Handsome Dans. Because of the untimely death of his successor, he had to come out of retirement to serve again.
让我想想。是丹尼十三世。它比其他‘‘英俊的丹尼”任期都长。由于它的继任者 不含时宜地死去,它不得不在退休之后又重返岗位。
A:He must have done a good job.
B:Yeah. He showed great patience in the tedium of posing for professional photographers, attended many activities, and his love of Yale was evident in many ways: he would sing along with the Yale fight song at least in the “bow wow wow” part; he would “play dead” when asked whether he would rather die or join Harvard; and he would launch assaults on mascots of opposing teams.
是的。面对单调乏味的拍照,它都耐心地摆好姿势,还参加过许多活动。它在很 多方面都表现出对耶鲁的热爱。比如,它会跟着唱 <耶鲁战斗之歌>,至少在“汪 汪汪"这一部分;当被问到是愿意选择死亡还是愿意加入哈佛的队伍,它就装死; 另外,它还会对对手学校的吉祥物发起猛攻。
A: He is really qualified. How about the present handsome Dan XVII?
B: Well, I'll keep silent about that. Let’s go together to visit him.
A: Good idea.