A: What do you think of the lecture?
B: I think it was very interesting and helpful.
A: Do you really think so?
B:Yes. Don’t you?
A: Of course not. I think he talked a lot of rubbish.
B: Really? So you think you know more or you have better ideas than he does?
A: It doesn’t necessarily mean that. But at least some of his view points are not correct. Generally, I don’t think a lecturer can tell any deep things in one or two hours.
B: Yes?
A: Just imagine. The speaker speaks unceasingly on the platform, the audiences listening silently to him. Things he talked about are what he thought he should tell, but not exactly what the audiences want to know.
B: You have something there. But that’s a universal phenomenon. Do you have any good ideas?
A: I prefer Master's tea. In Master’s tea, students and guests can talk freely.
B: Master’s tea?
A: Yeah. Don’t you know that? It is very common in Yale’s residential colleges.
B: I’d heard of that but haven’t had time to go. It’s an awesome event that you plan to go to, but don't actually have time for because they’re always scheduled during times you have other commitments.Is it interesting?
我听说过,但是没有去过。院长茶会是很棒的事情,我也打算去,但是它总是安 排在你有其他事情的时候举行。是不是很有趣啊?
A: Of course. A Master’s tea is something like this: afternoon tea, coffee, soft drinks, and a nice spread of fingerfoods and desserts; All free! A cozy, paneled room with chairs; your college Master, about 10-20 people from your residential college, plus...one outrageous famous person sitting there talking with you all like you were all friends.
当然了。院长茶会是这么一回事:有下午茶、咖啡、软饮料.还会分发小点心; 都是免费的哦!通常在一间惬意的、像座谈会一样的房间里;在场的有住宿学院 的院长、一二十个该学院的学生,还有……一位大腕儿坐在那儿和学生们交谈, 就像朋友一样。
B: I see. But a Master’s tea only seats around 20 students while a lecture may accommodate up to several hundreds of people.
哦。但是院长茶会只能坐下20个人左右,讲座则 可以容纳几百个人。
A: That’s true. Perhaps we can use lectures and Master’s teas side by side. Still I prefer Master’s tea.
A: Do you often join in it?
B: Yes. It’s wonderful to talk with those great figures on how they think, how to make choices, and how to face troubles. For example, recent guests have been: Jodie Foster, Jodi Picoult, Matt Matros. There have also been other people who are prominent in their fields but of whom I have no knowledge.
A: Jodie Foster? You’d talked with Jodie Foster? She is my favorite star.
B: Really? She is my idol, too. It's a pity you didn’t come. She'd come to Calhoun for a Master’s tea last year on April 19,2009. I remember it clearly because that day was my birthday. It was a truly memorable birthday. By the way, which one of her movies do you like best?
A: I'm quite familiar with all her movies. For the favorite one, I choose Taxi Driver. She is good at shaping such lower-class people whose life is full of frustrations and who has complicated psychology.
她演的所有电影我都耳熟能详。要说最喜欢的,要数〈出租车司机〉。她善于塑 造这种身世坎坷、心理复杂的生活在社会底层的人物。
B: She was born in a single-parent family and had to make commercials at the age of 4 to support her family. Anyway, the hard life didn’t demoralize her, but made her a person of strong character.
她出生在单亲家庭,4岁起就不得不接拍广告来维持生计。然而,艰苦的生活没 有使她意志消沉,反而形成了她坚强的性格。
A: She also has two children as a single mother.
B: Well, she has the ability to bring them up on her own. In addition, she is a successful producer and director.
A: I know. But I’m terribly sad for missing that Master’s tea.
B: Come on. Maybe she will come back in the near future.
A: Hopefully, are there any Master’s tea this week?
B: There are no upcoming Master’s teas at this time. But I heard that Whoopi Goldberg is coming to Calhoun for a Master’s tea this semester. The time is not fixed yet.
到现在还设看见有通知。但是,听说这个学期乌比哥德堡会来参加卡尔霍恩的 院长茶会。
A: Who is Whoopi Goldberg?
B: You really should have known her since she is one of the few famous black stars in Hollywood. Go and google for her through the internet.
A: Ok. Maybe in future I shall spare some time to go to Master’s teas. It would be nice meeting half a dozen famous people every month. And maybe I would come across Jodie Foster someday.
好吧。也许,以后我得挤出时间来,多参加各个学院的院长茶会。每个月见上那 么六七个名人,真不错。兴许哪天我就碰上朱迪.福斯特了呢。
B: Well. Not all the Master’s teas are open to everyone. You can only go to another college’s Master’s tea if the college allows it and if there’s space. People in that college get preferential choice. Anyway, Jodie Foster is a Calhoun alumna and each Calhoun Master’s tea is generally open to all Yale students.
A:That’s good news.
A: What do you think of the lecture?
B: I think it was very interesting and helpful.
A: Do you really think so?
B:Yes. Don’t you?
A: Of course not. I think he talked a lot of rubbish.
B: Really? So you think you know more or you have better ideas than he does?
A: It doesn’t necessarily mean that. But at least some of his view points are not correct. Generally, I don’t think a lecturer can tell any deep things in one or two hours.
B: Yes?
A: Just imagine. The speaker speaks unceasingly on the platform, the audiences listening silently to him. Things he talked about are what he thought he should tell, but not exactly what the audiences want to know.
B: You have something there. But that’s a universal phenomenon. Do you have any good ideas?
A: I prefer Master's tea. In Master’s tea, students and guests can talk freely.
B: Master’s tea?
A: Yeah. Don’t you know that? It is very common in Yale’s residential colleges.
B: I’d heard of that but haven’t had time to go. It’s an awesome event that you plan to go to, but don't actually have time for because they’re always scheduled during times you have other commitments.Is it interesting?
我听说过,但是没有去过。院长茶会是很棒的事情,我也打算去,但是它总是安 排在你有其他事情的时候举行。是不是很有趣啊?
A: Of course. A Master’s tea is something like this: afternoon tea, coffee, soft drinks, and a nice spread of fingerfoods and desserts; All free! A cozy, paneled room with chairs; your college Master, about 10-20 people from your residential college, plus...one outrageous famous person sitting there talking with you all like you were all friends.
当然了。院长茶会是这么一回事:有下午茶、咖啡、软饮料.还会分发小点心; 都是免费的哦!通常在一间惬意的、像座谈会一样的房间里;在场的有住宿学院 的院长、一二十个该学院的学生,还有……一位大腕儿坐在那儿和学生们交谈, 就像朋友一样。
B: I see. But a Master’s tea only seats around 20 students while a lecture may accommodate up to several hundreds of people.
哦。但是院长茶会只能坐下20个人左右,讲座则 可以容纳几百个人。
A: That’s true. Perhaps we can use lectures and Master’s teas side by side. Still I prefer Master’s tea.
A: Do you often join in it?
B: Yes. It’s wonderful to talk with those great figures on how they think, how to make choices, and how to face troubles. For example, recent guests have been: Jodie Foster, Jodi Picoult, Matt Matros. There have also been other people who are prominent in their fields but of whom I have no knowledge.
A: Jodie Foster? You’d talked with Jodie Foster? She is my favorite star.
B: Really? She is my idol, too. It's a pity you didn’t come. She'd come to Calhoun for a Master’s tea last year on April 19,2009. I remember it clearly because that day was my birthday. It was a truly memorable birthday. By the way, which one of her movies do you like best?
A: I'm quite familiar with all her movies. For the favorite one, I choose Taxi Driver. She is good at shaping such lower-class people whose life is full of frustrations and who has complicated psychology.
她演的所有电影我都耳熟能详。要说最喜欢的,要数〈出租车司机〉。她善于塑 造这种身世坎坷、心理复杂的生活在社会底层的人物。
B: She was born in a single-parent family and had to make commercials at the age of 4 to support her family. Anyway, the hard life didn’t demoralize her, but made her a person of strong character.
她出生在单亲家庭,4岁起就不得不接拍广告来维持生计。然而,艰苦的生活没 有使她意志消沉,反而形成了她坚强的性格。
A: She also has two children as a single mother.
B: Well, she has the ability to bring them up on her own. In addition, she is a successful producer and director.
A: I know. But I’m terribly sad for missing that Master’s tea.
B: Come on. Maybe she will come back in the near future.
A: Hopefully, are there any Master’s tea this week?
B: There are no upcoming Master’s teas at this time. But I heard that Whoopi Goldberg is coming to Calhoun for a Master’s tea this semester. The time is not fixed yet.
到现在还设看见有通知。但是,听说这个学期乌比哥德堡会来参加卡尔霍恩的 院长茶会。
A: Who is Whoopi Goldberg?
B: You really should have known her since she is one of the few famous black stars in Hollywood. Go and google for her through the internet.
A: Ok. Maybe in future I shall spare some time to go to Master’s teas. It would be nice meeting half a dozen famous people every month. And maybe I would come across Jodie Foster someday.
好吧。也许,以后我得挤出时间来,多参加各个学院的院长茶会。每个月见上那 么六七个名人,真不错。兴许哪天我就碰上朱迪.福斯特了呢。
B: Well. Not all the Master’s teas are open to everyone. You can only go to another college’s Master’s tea if the college allows it and if there’s space. People in that college get preferential choice. Anyway, Jodie Foster is a Calhoun alumna and each Calhoun Master’s tea is generally open to all Yale students.
A:That’s good news.