A: William Wordsworth 's poem is so beautiful that I can scarcely take my eye off it.
B: His poem is full of emotion,just like The Solitary Reaper. When many poets at his time still wrote about ancient heroes in grandiloquent style, Wordsworth focused on the nature, children, the poor, common people.
A: Exactly, and he used ordinary words to express bis personal feelings. His definition of poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'
B: A man's interest is influenced by the surroundings. The magnificent landscape of Wordsworth's hometown deeply affected him and gave him a love of nature.
A: As a writer Wordsworth made his debut in 1787,when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. In that same year he entered St. John’s College, Cambridge, from where he took his B.A. in 1791.
当华兹华斯1787年在《欧洲杂志》发表了一首 十四行诗时,他的作家生涯就开启了。同年他进人剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,并在1791年获得学士学位。
B: When he was in Cambridge, he went on a walking tour.
华兹华斯还在剑桥念书时,就在1790年的暑假 到爆发大革命的法国和瑞士徒步旅行。
A: Revolutionary fervor in France made a powerful impact on the young Wordsworth. His French experience was a powerful factor in turning his inbred sympathy to plain common people,
B: When Wordsworth’s political ideas and poetic talent were beginning to take shape, he fell passionately in love with a French girl.
A: Yes. It happened on his second journey in France. Wordsworth had an affair with Annette Vallon by whom he had an illegitimate daughter Anne Caroline.
B:The affair was basis of one of his poems, but otherwise Wordsworth did his best to hide the affair from posterity.
A:After his journeys, Wordsworth spent several aimless and unhappy years until he met Coleridge in 1795.
B: And Wordsworth^ financial situation became better in 1795 when he received a legacy and was able to settle at Racedown, Dorset, with his sister Dorothy.
A: Encouraged by Coleridge and stimulated by the close contact with nature, Wordsworth composed his masterwork, Lyrical Ballads with Coleridge.
B: Lyrical Ballads is an important work in the English Romantic Movement, But the volume had neither the name of Wordsworth nor Coleridge as the author. The second edition, published in 1800,had only Wordsworth listed as the author
A: The winter 1798-99 Wordsworth spent with his sister and Coleridge in Germany. And due to the homesickness, he and his sister moved back to England, settled in Dove Cottage, Grasmere, in the Lake District.
B: This time he was accompanied by fellow poet Robert Southey nearby. And Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey came to be known as the “Lake Poets”.
A: Wordsworth’s path-breaking works were produced between 1797 and 1808. Through this period, many of his poems revolved around themes of death, endurance, separation and grief.
B: Wordsworth’s Grasmere period ended in 1813 when he moved to Rydal Mount, Ambleside, where he spent the rest of his life.
A: William Wordsworth 's poem is so beautiful that I can scarcely take my eye off it.
B: His poem is full of emotion,just like The Solitary Reaper. When many poets at his time still wrote about ancient heroes in grandiloquent style, Wordsworth focused on the nature, children, the poor, common people.
A: Exactly, and he used ordinary words to express bis personal feelings. His definition of poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'
B: A man's interest is influenced by the surroundings. The magnificent landscape of Wordsworth's hometown deeply affected him and gave him a love of nature.
A: As a writer Wordsworth made his debut in 1787,when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. In that same year he entered St. John’s College, Cambridge, from where he took his B.A. in 1791.
当华兹华斯1787年在《欧洲杂志》发表了一首 十四行诗时,他的作家生涯就开启了。同年他进人剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,并在1791年获得学士学位。
B: When he was in Cambridge, he went on a walking tour.
华兹华斯还在剑桥念书时,就在1790年的暑假 到爆发大革命的法国和瑞士徒步旅行。
A: Revolutionary fervor in France made a powerful impact on the young Wordsworth. His French experience was a powerful factor in turning his inbred sympathy to plain common people,
B: When Wordsworth’s political ideas and poetic talent were beginning to take shape, he fell passionately in love with a French girl.
A: Yes. It happened on his second journey in France. Wordsworth had an affair with Annette Vallon by whom he had an illegitimate daughter Anne Caroline.
B:The affair was basis of one of his poems, but otherwise Wordsworth did his best to hide the affair from posterity.
A:After his journeys, Wordsworth spent several aimless and unhappy years until he met Coleridge in 1795.
B: And Wordsworth^ financial situation became better in 1795 when he received a legacy and was able to settle at Racedown, Dorset, with his sister Dorothy.
A: Encouraged by Coleridge and stimulated by the close contact with nature, Wordsworth composed his masterwork, Lyrical Ballads with Coleridge.
B: Lyrical Ballads is an important work in the English Romantic Movement, But the volume had neither the name of Wordsworth nor Coleridge as the author. The second edition, published in 1800,had only Wordsworth listed as the author
A: The winter 1798-99 Wordsworth spent with his sister and Coleridge in Germany. And due to the homesickness, he and his sister moved back to England, settled in Dove Cottage, Grasmere, in the Lake District.
B: This time he was accompanied by fellow poet Robert Southey nearby. And Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey came to be known as the “Lake Poets”.
A: Wordsworth’s path-breaking works were produced between 1797 and 1808. Through this period, many of his poems revolved around themes of death, endurance, separation and grief.
B: Wordsworth’s Grasmere period ended in 1813 when he moved to Rydal Mount, Ambleside, where he spent the rest of his life.