教程:英语对话  浏览:145  
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    A: Will, have you finished the essay for this week’s tutorial?
    B:Not yet. I’m still reading the books assigned by our tuor.
    A: Me too. It takes time to do the regular writing of essays. Moreover, there are so many lectures, demonstrations, as well as seminars. I’m overburdened by the teaching system.
    B: I also have such feeling. However, the labour-intensive learning forces us to fill heads with knowledge, making us big with wisdom unconsciously.
    A: I admit that the tutorial system may encourage us to take an active role in learning and develop our skills in independent study and research. Whereas, I dislike the form of toturials very much-the students read their own essay firstly, which is commented on later by the tutor and discussed immediately. The reading may be interrupted at will by the tutor, and at times by the student, followed by perfunctory praise or thanks.
    B: I guess the format of the tutorial system is to foster students’s skills on orally analytical and critical. It provides the student with the opportunity to discuss particular topics in considerable detail with the tutor, who may be a leading expert in the subject or a young active researcher at the forefront of the discipline.
    A: I don’t deny that we can thrive on the experience. We are required to produce a coherent exposition of our ideas on the subject, so as to practice our language organizational ability. In the discussion, we also benefit by struggling to defend the position we have taken up,
    B: That,right! In my opinion, there is no substitute for the weekly tutorials, whose function is to set the student the task of expressing his ideas articulately, as well as to ask him in developing his skills of critical analysis.
    A: But sometimes, the tutorial is not effective, instead it is a waste of time and effort, with a sense of boredom and frustration.
    B: Maybe the tutoiral system now is too labour intensive to both students and tutors. As we know, most of the tutors are faculty fellows. They are prone to overwork themselve at teaching and research, which makes it hard to avoid a perfunctory tutorial.
    也许现行的导师制对于学生和导师来说都太繁重了。众所周知,大部分导师都是学院的研究员。他们很有可能在教学和研究工作中劳累过度,这样就难 免会有敷衍的辅导课了。
    A:Probably! A busy tutor may ask for the main points of two or three essays, weaving them into a single discussion. Either side may refuse to play its traditional part: the student may bring no essay,or one not his own; the tutor may bypass the discussion.
    可能吧!一位繁忙的导师可能只会问两到三篇论文的大意,然后组织学生进行讨论。师生双方可能都有失职:学生可能设有带论文或者带着别人的论文 来上课;老师则有可能避开讨论。
    B: As I know, not all tutorials are like this. Moreover, the tutor is not a teacher in the usual sense, so it is not his job to convey information. The student should find the information by himself, A good teacher should help the student to refute and correct him, which is to say that he will teach method rather than hard and fast conclusions.
    A: Right, after all it is rarely happen. It seems that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.
    B: Certainly. The weekly tutorial covers almost all of the syllabus, so the vast majority of Oxford’ undergraduates have read over most of the syllabus. That is to say, the Oxford graduates are more widely read than their counterpart at some other UK universities.
    当然了。一周一次的辅导课涵盖了几乎所有的教学大纲,因此很多牛津大学的毕业生都读完了大纲指定的大部分书目。也就是说,牛津大学的毕业生比 英国其他大学的毕业生的阅读量要大得多。
    A: I agree. Although it is laborious now, it is worth while.
    B: Right! Oxford’s graduates ought to be even more attractive to potential employers.
    A: Well, they should be used to facing frequent and regular work!
    B: So, we are lucky! Don’t complain, and keep punching!
    A: Ok! Come on!
      上一篇:牛津大学和它的学院之间有什么关系?考试和学位证书颁发是由谁负责 下一篇:牛津大学都有些什么倶乐部?诗社怎么样


