A:Hi! Do you need some help?
B: Yes, thanks. It's my friend's birthday next week and he loves Japanese cartoon and comic books, But, to be honest I know very little about it! Could you help me to choose something he would like?
A: No problem. I'm an expert in this area, which we call "Anime".
B: "Anime?" Yes, I've heard my friend talk about this. I had no idea he meant cartoons!
A: Anime began a long time ago, the first short pieces were made in 1917, but thcsc were mainly folk tales. Nothing like the anime we get today. rt then developed into westem-style humour during the 1930s and then on to giants, robors and outer spacc adventures .
B: Yes, my friend watches a cartoon about robots and strange cars and things like that.
A: These types of anime are very popular nowadays, with both children and adults. He probably enjoys the ones which started in the 1980s and were made by Miyazaki and Takahata, these are the most popular ones Have you heard of the movie Aleira? That was made in 1988, and is still very popular today.
B: Yes! My friend loves that mowe.
A: But, before you decide I have many other things to show you. Over here, we have some " Manga" items. Manga was first created in 1815 by a woodblock artist called Hokusai and means "unintentional drawings". Manga is much more graphic than usual anime, but there are different styles for different ages and sexes. It can be very violent. We've got videos, DVDs, VCDs and comics.
A: OK, great. What would you suggest?
B: Today's manga has many different genres. Such as joke-books, melodrama and science ficoon. I think your friend would love some sci-fi !
A: Yes, sci-fi seems like a good idea. Which one do you suggest?
B: This one. Basilisk: The Kouga N'inja Scrolls. It follows the war between two ninja clans, which have had a truce for 400 years.But suddenly, they begain fighting again. It's very popular.
A: Excellent! I'II take it. Thanks very much for all of your help.