A: Craig, look at this. I'm looking at this website all about famous people who committed suicide. It's really interesting and a little gross.
B: Check out Van Gogh, I need to do some research about him.
A: Van Gogh . .. here we are. Vincent Van Gogh, born 1853 in Holland, died 1890 in France of a self-infliaed gunshot. He cut his ear off before that, didn't he?
B: Yes, he was a troubled genius. His brief, turbulent, and tragic life epitomizes the mad genius legend.What else does it say?
A: Only one of his paintings was sold while he was alive, and his most famous ones were painted during a period of 29 months where he worked and worked, and then became and then become suicidal.
B: Acmally, one reason he became suicidal was because he was suffering from epilepsy. In his grim struggle Vincent had one constant ally and support. his younger brother Theo.
A: He wrote Theo many letters talking of his dreams and aspirations, I think Theo tried to keep him from going insane.
B: He didn't succeed ,though. Beforc he became a painter he worked for an art dealer, didn't he?
A: Yes, but I don't think he enjoyed his job. He antagonised customers until he was dismissed. He then tried preaching, as he was a strong Humanitanan, about the oppression of mining Eamilies.
B: No one took him seriously, people just laughed at him. He couldn't get a girlfriend because of the connicts in his personality and he couldn't keep a friend. Most of his friends ended in bitter arguments.
A: He must have been a lonely man.It says here chat he didn't become a painter untill 10 years before his death? I didn't know that.
B: Yes, his early paintings during the 1880s showed a use of greens and browns, like in this picture The Potato Eaters. That's an early one.
A: After that his style changed, maybe because he left Paris and nloved to Arles. That's where he painted Sunflowers and when he cut off his ear.
B: He was sent to a mental hospital after that, where he painted the swirling Starry Nights, and just a few months later .
A: Bang!He shot himself