教程:英语四级真题  浏览:358  
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    Section A

    Directions: In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear a question,you  must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

    News Report One

    A NASA satelite orbiting over Portugal took photographs that reveal the effects of pollution from ships.One of the photos shows a thin film of clouds above the briliant blue of the North Atlantic,cut by white lines of thicker clouds that look like scars.(1) NASA officials explained those thicker clouds are signs of ship trafic below.When ships power their way throuph the ocean,they pump exhaust into the atmosphere,just as cars do.And those massive amounts of particles can cause clouds to form Get enough of those particles in one place,as from the exhaust of a ship,and they can lead to the creation of new clouds easily visible from space."These clouds can be huge.Some of them stretch hundreds of ldlometres from end to end,”NASA oficials said.(2) It's likely  that these sorts of clouds are having some effect on the global climate,according to NASA officials. But scientists aren't yet sure what effect it has.

    Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

    1.What has caused the thick clouds in the photos taken by NASA satellite?

    A)Ship traffic in the Atlantic.                               

    B)Warm currents in the ocean.                              

    C)Exhaust from cars in Europe.

    D)Particles emitted by power plants.

    2.What do NASA officials think about the thick clouds?

    A)They need to be taken seriously.                        

    B)They have a huge effect on fishery.   

    C)They might be causing trouble to air flights.                

    D)They may be affecting the world's climate.


    1. 什么造成了美国宇航局卫星拍摄照片中的浓厚云层?

    A) 大西洋上的船舶交通。                    

    B) 海洋中的暖流。

    C) 欧洲汽车排放的尾气。

    D) 发电厂排放的颗粒。                          

    详解 A)。 新闻开头提到,美国宇航局官员解释说这些较厚的云层是大西洋上船舶往来的痕记。当船舶穿过海洋,它们就像汽车一样将废气排放到大气中,大量的颗粒物便形成了云层。因此答案为A)。

    2. 美国宇航局官员如何看待这些浓厚的云层?

    A) 它们需要被认真对待。                      

    B) 它们会对渔业产生重大影响。

    C) 它们可能会给航班带来麻烦。                

    D) 它们可能会影响世界气候。

    详解 D)。 新闻末尾提到,美国宇航局官员称,这些云层面积很大,可绵延数百公里,很可能会对全球气候造成一定的影响。因此答案为D)。

    News Report Two

    Staff at a suburban supermarket in Melboune say they feel unsafe at work after security guards were removed.This came after a series of physical attacks and verbal abuse by customers.(3) More than 50 workers at the store have signed a letter calling for a permanent security guard following a series of incidents,inchuding a customer threatening to attack a supervisor with a knife. A security worker had guarded the store each night from 7 p.m.until 12 a.m.,but that had stopped suddenly on Monday, employees said.One worker said an angry customer had thrown a chicken at his head after complaining about how long she had waited to be served.Another worker said the lack of protection at the store made her feel uncomfortable at work.(4) However,the spokesman of the supermarket said the store had taken strong action in response to incidents.“We have found very few instances of bad customer behavior at our store in the past year.In the rare cases we have seen bad behavior,we have taken strong action in response,including banning a customer from the store.”

    Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

    3.For what purpose did the staff at a supermarket in Melboume sign a letter?

    A)To appeal for higher wages.

    B)To demand better health care.

    C)To call for a permanent security guard.

    D)To dismiss the bad-tempered supervisor.

    4.What did the spokesman of the supermarket say regarding the employees'demand?

    A)It had already taken strong action.

    B)It would put customers'needs first.

    C)It would take their appeal seriously.

    D)It was seeking help from the police.


    3. 墨尔本一家超市的员工联名写信的目的是什么?

    A) 呼吁涨工资。                              

    B) 要求获得更好的医疗保健服务。

    C) 要求一位长期的保安。             

    D) 解雇这位脾气暴躁的主管。

    详解 C) 。新闻开头提到,墨尔本郊区一家超市的员工表示保安撤离后他们缺乏安全感,此前该超市员工遭到了顾客的肢体攻击和口头谩骂。在发生了一系列事件后,超市50多名员工联名写信,要求雇用一名长期保安。因此答案为C)。


    A) 超市已经采取了强有力的措施。              


    C) 超市会认真考虑他们的诉求。          

    D) 超市正在向警方寻求帮助。

    详解 A) 。新闻末尾提到,超市已经采取强有力的措施来应对这些冲突,在过去一年里,几乎没有发现顾客的不良行为。而在为数不多的几次冲突中,超市也采取了措施,比如禁止一位顾客进入超市。因此答案为A)。

    News Report Three

    (5) Drivers on their way to the Polish capital of Warsaw on Wednesday moming found the road blocked by an unusual obstacle:tons of liquid chocolate that spilled onto the motorway. (6) A truck canying the sweet load hit a road barier and overtumed,blocking two lanes.The cracked tank spilled a pool of rapidly-hardening chocolate,which quickly covered the width of the road.While the driver was taken to hospital with a broken arm,firefighters struggled to remove a reported twelve tons of solid chocolate from the road.(7)A representative for the firefighters told the local TV that removing the chocolate was worse than dealing with  snow.After contacting the chocolate manufacturer,the frefighters resorted to spraying hot,pressurized water to get rid of the sticky substance.The local TV also noted that the cleanup spanned more than a mile,because drivers simply drove through the chocolate after the crash,leaving a long chocolate trail.But despite the sticky situation,firefighters and police attending to the cleanup were reportedly cheerful about the long task ahead.After all,who could be mad about twelve tons of chocolate?

    Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

    5.What did drivers on the motorway to Warsaw find?

    A)The road was flooded.

    B)The road was blocked.

    C)The road was frozen with snow.

    D)The road was covered with spilled gas.

    6.What does the report say about the accident?

    A)A truck plunged into a pool of liquid chocolate.

    B)The heavy snow made driving very difficult.

    C)The truck driver dozed off while driving.

    D)A truck hit a barrier and overturned.

    7.What did the firefighters'representative tell the local TV?

    A)It was a long time before the cleanup was finished.

    B)It was a hard task to remove the spilled substance.

    C)It was fortunate that no passenger got injured.

    D)It was difficult to contact the manufacturer.


    5. 在去往华沙的路上,司机们发现了什么?

    A) 路被淹了。                             

    B) 路被堵塞了。

    C) 路被雪冻住了。                              

    D) 路上满是洒出的汽油。

    详解 B)。新闻开头提到,周三早上,在去往波兰首都华沙的高速公路上,司机们发现道路被数吨洒出的液体巧克力堵塞了。因此答案为 B)。


    A) 一辆卡车陷入了一滩液体巧克力中。         

    B)  大雪使开车变得很难。

    C) 卡车司机在开车时打盹。                     

    D) 一辆卡车撞到路障后翻倒了。

    详解 D)。 新闻中提到,一辆载满甜食的卡车撞到路障后翻车,堵塞了两条车道。因此答案为 D)。 

    7. 消防员代表告诉当地电视台什么?

    A) 他们花了很长时间才清理完道路。            

    B) 清理这些洒出物是一个艰巨任务。

    C) 幸运的是没有乘客受伤。            

    D) 很难联系上生产厂家。

    详解 B)。 新闻中提到, 一名消防员代表告诉当地电视台,清理这些巧克力比清理大雪还难,由此推 断,清理洒出的巧克力是一个艰巨的任务。因此答案为B)。

    Section B

    Directions: In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end ofeach conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conersation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

    Conversation One

    M:Lisa,why did you pay for your meal with cash instead of the payment apps on your phone?

    W:Well,Ive gone back to cash.I'm only using payment apps if that's the only option.(8)I'm tying to save money for a new phone,and I find that using cash rather than payment apps helps me to save.

    M:But how?Money is money,isn't it?I don't think it matters whether you take it out to the bank and put it in your wallet or simply transfer from your bank account to the seller's bank account using an app.

    W:No,I believe it does matter.It's a psychological phenomenon.(9)I believe we have less connection with the value of our money when we just tap the"Approve"buttons on our phones.

    M:You might have a point.Since I stopped carrying cash around and started using my phone apps to pay,(10)may have developed a tendency to buy more small or non-essential items.

    W:That's highly possible.Think about the amount of time we spend with our phones in our hands,and all the things we do with our phones.It sometimes seems that our phone is buying the product for us,not ourselves.

    M:(11-1) So cashless payment affects our ability to budget?

    W:I believe so.If we spend a hundred puan in cash,we realize that we don't have that hundred puan to spend on something else.But if we're spending electronically,we are less likely to make that mental calculation.

    M:(11-2) I stopped using my credit card because I found I was spending excessively.Perhaps I should take the same approach of paying using my phone.

    W:It's worth considering.

    Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

    8.Why did the woman decide to go back to cash for payment?

    A)She wanted to save for a new phone.                 

    B)She found it much safer to use cash.  

    C)She could enjoy discounts with cash.               

    D)She had been cheated using phone apps. 

    9.What happens when people use apps for payment according to the woman?

    A)They can save a lot more time and trouble.

    B)They find it less difficult to make purchases.

    C)They derive greater pleasure from buying things.

    D)They are less aware of the value of their money.

    10.What might the man tend to buy with payment apps?

    A)More valuable items.                                         

    B)More non-essential things. 

    C)Everyday necessities.                                

    D)Electronic devices.

    11.What does the man think of electronic payment?

    A)It can improve shopping efficiency.                   

    B)It is altering the way of shopping.

    C)It may lead to excessive spending.                     

    D)It appeals more to younger people.


    8. 为什么女士决定回到用现金支付的付款方式?

    A) 她想攒钱买一部新手机。                    

    B) 她发现用现金安全得多。

    C) 她用现金支付可享受折扣。                    

    D) 她用手机软件时曾被骗。

    详解 A)。对话开头,男士询问女土为何不用手机支付而是用现金支付。女士说她想攒钱买一部新手机,她发现用现金付款能帮自己省钱。因此答案为A)。


    A) 他们能节省时间,避免麻烦。                 

    B) 他们购物更加容易。

    C) 他们从购物中得到更多乐趣。                        

    D) 他们不太留意金钱的价值。

    详解 D)。 对话中,两人对现金支付和手机支付持不同的看法,女士认为现金支付有助于省钱,男士 却认为这两种方式没有区别。女士向男士解释,这是一种心理现象,当我们只是在手机上点击“同意支付”按钮时,我们对金钱的价值就不那么在意了。因此答案为D)。

    10. 男士倾向于用支付软件买什么?

    A) 更贵重的物品。                             

    B) 更多非必需品。

    C) 日常必需品。                           

    D) 电子设备。

    详解 B) 。对话过程中,男士逐渐认同女士的观点,他说自己开始使用手机上的应用程序支付之 后,可能已经养成了购买更多的小物件或者非必需品的习惯。因此答案为B)。

    11. 男士如何看待电子支付?

    A) 它能够提高购物效率。                      

    B) 它正改变购物方式。

    C) 它可能会导致过度消费。                       

    D) 它对年轻人更有吸引力。

    详解 C)。 对话末尾,男士认为无现金支付会影响我们的预算能力,他之所以停用信用卡就是因为 发现这种支付方式会导致过度消费,他觉得自己也应该停止使用手机支付。也就是说,男士认为电子支付可能会导致过度消费。因此答案为C)。

    Conversation Two

    W:(12-1) Hello,Mr.Brown.I was expecting your call.My secretary told me you were having  some problems with the wooden table.Is that right?

    M:(12-2) No,no.The table is fine.The problem is the chairs.

    W:Oh,the chairs.So what exactly is the issue?

    M:Well,put simply,these are not the chairs my wife  and I selected in your store last week.There must be some confusion with our order.

    W:Oh,I see.I'm looking through my hles now,and I see that the delivery was this morning.Is that correct?


    W:(13) Do you mind describing the chairs that were delivered to your apartment,Mr.Brown?

    M:Sure.These have a flat back with a rounded top and are very heavy.They are light brown and look kind of cheap.The ones we ordered were dark brown to match the table.

    W: Right,of course.It says here you purchased the Arlington table and four Milano chairs.As you said,there must have been some confusion with the order.I'm terribly sorry.(14) We will send a van to collect those four and replace them with the Milano you purchased.Will tomorrow 9 a.m.be okay,Mr.Brown?

    M:Yes,that would be great.Thank you.

    W:Good.Did everything else you ordered from us arrive okay?

    M:Yes,I think so.Let me check.The mirror and two paintings are here.The two coflee tables are also here.And  the sofa…Yes,we haven't noticed anything else wrong or missing.But if we do, wewill certainly let you know.

    W:Okay,great.(15)Once again,I'm sorry for the confusion and trouble caused.

    Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just hear.

    12.Why did the man call the woman?

    A)He wanted to order some wooden furniture.

    B)He had to change the furniture delivery time.

    C)He had a problem with the furniture delivered.

    D)He wanted the furniture store to give him a refund.

    13.What did the woman ask the man to do?

    A)Send the furniture back to the store.                

    B)Describe the furniture he received. 

    C)Collect the furniture he ordered.                  

    D)Buy another brand of furniture.

    14.What did the woman promise to do for the man?

    A)Correct their mistake.                                       

    B)Improve their service.

    C)Apologize to his wife.                                         

    D)Give the money back.

    15.What did the woman do at the end of the conversation?

    A)She recommended a new style.

    B)She offered some gift to the man.

    C)She apologized to the man once more.

    D)She checked all the items with the man.


    12. 男士为什么给女士打电话?

    A) 他想订购一些木制家具。                   


    C) 他收到的家具有问题。                

    D) 他想要家具店退款。

    详解 C)。对话开头,女士说秘书告诉自己男士购买的桌子有问题。男士回答说有问题的不是桌子,而是椅子。由此可知,男士打电话的原因是他收到的椅子有问题。因此答案为C)。

    13. 女士要求男士做什么?

    A) 将家具退回家具店。                       

    B) 描述一下他收到的家具。

    C) 签收他订购的家具。                   

    D) 购买另一品牌的家具。

    详解 B) 。男士告知女士是椅子有问题后,女士请男士描述送到他公寓的椅子的情况。因此答案为B)。

    14. 女士承诺为男士做什么?

    A) 改正他们的错误。                          

    B) 改善他们的服务。

    C) 向男士的妻子道款。                       

    D) 退还钱款。

    详解 A)。对话中,女士意识到发错货后,告知男士会派一辆货车上门退换,并询问明天上午9点是否可以。由此可知,女士会纠正他们的错误,帮男士退换货物。因此答案为A)。


    A) 她推荐了一个新款。                      

    B) 她给男士送了些礼物。

    C) 她再次向男士道歉。                   

    D) 她和男士一起检查了所有物品。 

    详解 C) 。对话末尾,女士再次因发错货向男士道歉。因此答案为C)。

    Section C

    Directions: In this section,you will hear three passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will bespoken only once.Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

    Passage One

    Do you have too much stuff?Are you,dare we say it"untidy"?(16) Say hello to a TV show called“Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”,a home improvement show based on her wildly popular book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying  Up. In the show,Marie Kondo acts as a tiny garbage fairy for messy people,visiting their houses to share the wisdom of the"KonMari"method.This method is simple in theory but can be endlessly complex in practice.(17) You divide all the stuff in your house all of it— into several categories,and then examine each item all of them to see if it sparks joy.If it does,you keep it. If it doesn't,you thank it and neatly discard it.So,is the TV show inspiring people to tidy up? Firsthand accounts seem to indicate a small wave of people bringing piles  of donation bags to used goods stores.One store received thousands of bags of used possessions in one day.January is usually the stores'slow season for donations because it's cold and people don't want to bother,but not this  January.People seemed determined to clean up their homes.(18) One used bookstore received a month's worth of books in donations in a week when a man gave over fifty boxes of booes from his home.It seems Marie's TV show is having a big impact after all.

    Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

    16.What is Marie Kondo's TV show about?

    A)Reading books of wisdom.

    B)Tidying up one's home.

    C)Sharing with others.

    D)Donating to charity.

    17.What things can be kept in one's home according to Marie Kondo?

    A)Things that make one happy.

    B)Things that are becoming rare.

    C)Things that occupy little space.

    D)Things that cost a lot of money.

    18.What do we learn about one used bookstore this January?

    A)It joined the city's clean-up campaign.

    B)It sold as many as fifty boxes of books.

    C)It received an incredibly large number of donated books.

    D)It did little business because of the unusual cold weather.



    A) 阅读智慧书籍。                           

    B) 家居整理。

    C) 与人分享。                               

    D) 慈善捐赠。

    详解 B)。短文开头问道,你是否有太多的东西,随后指出看藤麻理惠的电视节目可能会有帮助,这是一个有关改善居家环境的节目。由此可推断,该节目与整理家中的物品有关。因此答案为B)。

    17. 藤麻理惠认为什么物品可以留在家中?

    A) 让人高兴的物品。                         

    B) 越来越稀有的物品。

    C) 占空间少的物品。                     

    D) 值钱的物品。

    详解 A) 。短文中提到,藤麻理惠有一个方法能让家里变得井井有条,这个方法说起来容易做起来 难。具体的办法是,把家里所有的物品分成几类,看哪件物品能激发你的喜爱之情,如果喜爱,就留下。由此可知,藤麻理惠建议留下的是那些让人高兴的物品。因此答案为A)。


    A) 它参加了城市清洁运动。                   

    B) 它卖掉多达50 箱图书。

    C) 它收到了大量的捐赠图书。                   

    D) 它因天气异常寒冷而生意不佳。

    详解 C) 。 短文中提到,藤麻理惠的电视节目还是产生了很大的影响。 一月份天气寒冷,通常是二手货店铺的捐赠淡季。但今年一月份,人们似乎决心行动起来收拾家里,有人整理出了50多箱书捐赠 给一家二手书店,该书店一周内收到的捐书量相当于过去一个月的捐赠量。由此可知,该书店在一月 份收到了大量的捐赠图书。因此答案为C)。

    Passage Two

    (19) At just 12 years old,Mike Hannon is making a difference in his community—one lunch at a time.“Mike's  Lunches of Love"has fed more than 2000 of the town's most vulnerable residents.Mike delivers meals to the homeless. “It's like a way to give people joy,maybe spark something in them that can change them,"Mike told WBZ-TV.The mayor of Mike's town feels that Mike is a great community leader,especially in such times of so much negative news.While his father commented on how proud he was of his son,yet,Mike isn't looking for praise,but kindness in retun.(20) He hopes his acts of charity will influence others to spread positive actions in their own towns. Mike includes a handwritten message of joy on each bag.His message and star power has spread  all  over the country.To date,his online page to raise funds has brought in more than $44000 and counting,raising more than $17000 in just one day,with the help of many famous actors and others.(21) People from all over the country are sending special handcrafted bags to help the young man with his mission to help those in need. Many are hoping the simple act of kindness spreads.Mike is seen as hope for the future of the town, the country and the world.

    Questions 19 to 21 are base on the passage you have just heard.

    19.What does Mike Hannon do to help people in his town?

    A)Give free meals to the homeless.                      

    B)Provide shelter for the homeless. 

    C)Help the vulnerable to cook lunches.                    

    D)Call for change in the local government.

    20.What does Mike hope others will do?

    A)Strengthen co-operation.                                   

    B)Promote understanding.                                   

    C)Win national support.

    D)Follow his example.

    21.How are people all over the country responding to what Mike is doing?

    A)Spreading news of his deeds.                            

    B)Writing him thank-you notes.

    C)Following the example he sets.                           

    D)Sending him hand-made bags.


    19. 迈克·汉农做了什么来帮助镇上的人? 

    A) 为无家可归的人免费送饭。

    B) 为无家可归的人提供居所。

    C) 帮弱势群体做午饭。

    D) 号召当地政府做出改变。

    详解 A)。短文开头提到,年仅12岁的迈克·汉农正在为他的社区带来改变———日一顿午餐,“迈克的爱心午餐”已为镇上2000多名弱势居民提供了帮助,他为无家可归的人免费送饭。因此答案为A)。


    A) 加强合作。                           

    B) 增进理解。 

    C) 赢得国家的支持。                        

    D) 效仿他的做法。

    详解 D)。短文中提到,迈克希望自己的善举可以影响其他人,在他们自己的城镇传播善业。因此答案为 D)。


    A) 传播他的事迹。                         

    B) 给他写感谢信。


    D) 送他手工制作的包。

    详解 D) 。短文最后提到,迈克的善举影响了很多人,全国各地的人们都给他送来了特制的手工 包,以帮助这个以助人为己任的年轻人。因此答案为D)。

    Passage Three

    (22)In a recent study carried out by psychologists on the disruptive effects of smartphones,two groups of college students were given word search puzzles.The first group was told to complete the  puzzles with its participants'smartphones in their Iine of sight.The second group,however,was told that  the phones would interfere with the equipment in the experiment,and would need to be moved away from  the testing area.Midway through the second group's solving of the puzzles,the experimenter called one of the phones and let it ring for a while before hanging up.(23)Many of the students in that group were unable to focus from then an,becoming anxious and performing more poorly than the first goup. 

    Use of electronics has also been known to lead to a decline in human interactions.Rather than having real-life conversations,many express emotions and engage in deep conversations through social  media sites.Many students use their phones and computers during class for non-academic activities,  which leads to poor grades.(24)Perhaps the most dramatic impact is the reduction in the amount of sleep,which leads to poor health and weight gain.

    (25)Technology is a great tool;however,it's important to recognize its downsides.Lack of sleep, reduction of productivity and weight gain are only a few.If we're not careful about all these minor problems right now,the effect on the future generation is going to be much bigser.

    Questions 22 to 25 are baset on the passage you have just heard.

    22.What were the college students in both groups requtred to do in the study?

    A)To solve word search puzzles.

    B)To send smartphone messages.

    C)To test their eyesight using a phone app.

    D)To install some audio equipment in a lab.

    23.What do we learn about many of the students in the second test group after the phone rang?

    A)They could not go on until the ringing stopped.

    B)They could no longer concentrate on their task.

    C)They grabbed the phone and called back right away.

    D)They asked their experimenter to hang up the phone.

    24.According to the passage,what is the most dramatic impact of smartphone use?

    A)A rise in emotional problems.                           

    B)A decline in sports activities.                           

    C)A reduction in the amount of sleep.

    D)A decline in academic performance. 

    25.What does the speaker suggest people do?

    A)Protect the eyesight of the younger generation.

    B)Take effective measures to raise productivity.

    C)Realize the disruptive effects of technology.

    D)Ensure they have sufficient sleep every day.



    A) 做字谜游戏。

    B) 发手机信息。

    C) 用手机软件测视力。

    D) 在一个实验室安装音频设备。

    详解 A)。短文开头提到,在心理学家最近进行的一项关于智能手机破坏性影响的研究中,两组大学生被要求做字谜游戏。因此答案为A)。

    23. 关于第二组的许多受试学生在电话铃响后的表现,我们了解到什么?

    A) 铃声结束后他们才能继续(字谜游戏)。      

    B) 他们无法继续专注地完成任务。             

    C) 他们立刻拿起手机,回拨电话。

    D) 他们要求实验人员挂断电话。

    详解 B)。短文中提到,在第二组学生解字谜的过程中,实验人员拨打了一位学生的手机,让它响了一会才挂断。之后,第二组的许多学生无法集中注意力,他们变得焦虑,表现得比第一组更差。因此答案为B)。

    24. 根据短文内容,使用智能手机最大的影响是什么?

    A) 情感问题增多。                         

    B) 体育运动减少。

    C) 睡眠减少。                            

    D) 学习成绩退步。

    详解 C)。 短文提到,智能手机会带来各种负面影响,如人际交往和学业问题,但最大的影响是睡 眠时长的缩短,这会导致健康状况不佳和肥胖问题。因此答案为C)。


    A) 保护年轻一代的视力。                   

    B) 采取有效措施提高生产力。

    C) 认识到科技的破坏作用。               

    D) 确保每天有充足的睡眠。

    详解 C) 。短文最后提到,科技是个伟大的工具,但认识到它的负面作用是很重要的,睡眠的减少、 生产力的降低、肥胖等问题仅仅是冰山一角。如果我们不注意这些小问题,对后代的影响将会更大。由此可知,讲话者建议人们要认识到技术的破坏性影响。因此答案为C)。

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