I 47. Changing the current energy system requires the systematic training of professionals and skilled labor.
E48. Changing a light bulb is easier than changing the fixture housing it.
K49. Efforts to accelerate the current energy transitions didn’t succeed as expected.
G 50. To change the light source is costly because you have to change the whole fixture.
A 51. Energy systems, like an aircraft carrier set in motion, have huge momentum.
G 52. The problem with lighting, if it arises, often doesn’t lie in light sources but in their applications.
J 53. The biggest obstacle to energy transition is that the present energy system is too expensive to replace.
D 54. The application of a technology can impact areas beyond itself.
B 55. Physical characteristics of moving objects help explain the dynamics of energy systems.
本篇文章出自《世界观察》(World Watch),主要解释了能源不可能快速变更的原因。文章首先介绍了能源以能量体系的形式存在,对大体概念进行介绍。接下来文章分别介绍了technological momentum(D段至H段)。Labor-pool momentum(I段)和economic momentum(J段)。最后两段作为总结,重申不能快速改变的原因和我们对这个话题应持有的态度。
在介绍technological momentum时,有lighting作为例子,属于较为重要的段落。应该在阅读时着重注意。而且本次考试中出现了1个段落对应2个题目的情况(G对应50和52题)。这是本次考试的难点之一。
解决匹配型考试,仍然要用到查找关键词(key words)和同义复述(paraphrase)两种解题技巧。比如47题中的“training of professionals and skilled labor”对应I段的“a supply of trained talent ”。55题中的“Physical characteristic of moving objects”对应B段第一句的“moving objects have two characteristics…”等等。