来,不论是已经收到offer的“学霸”,还是仍在静静等待的”学渣”,又或是摩拳擦掌准备18年申请的吃瓜群众,都来看看截止至目前, 美国各热门大学的提前录取情况:
哈佛大学/Harvard University
哈佛大学招生办主任WilliamR. Fitzsimmons说:”提前申请现在像是新的常规申请,因为越来越多的学生选择提前批申请哈佛和其他名校。尽管如此,我们也一直持续地告诉学生、家长和升学顾问,提前申请哈佛没有优势。提前批拿到录取的学生只因为他们在学术成绩、课外活动、个人特产方面都非常优秀。这些学生在常规申请也能拿到录取。”
No score required (Only SAT or ACT)
Harvard Business School
* MBA: 7.5
Harvard Graduate School of Education: 7.5 (no su-score below 7.0)
Harvard Kennedy School: 7.0
Harvard School of Public Health: 7.0
Harvard University Extension School:
* Graduate: 7.0
宾夕法尼亚大学/University of Pennsylvania
据《The Daily Pennsylvanian》公布的数据,今年申请宾大ED的人数有6147人,比去年人数增加 7% ,而今年ED录取人数为1354人,录取率大约为22% ,相比去年的23.2%宾大今年的录取率又再创新低。
Graduate Division of Arts & Sciences: 6.5
Computer and Information Science Graduate Programs: 7.5
Annenberg School of
Graduate School of Design: 7.0
Graduate School of Education: 7.0
School of Nursing: 7.0
School of Social Policy and Practice: 7.0
School of Law: LLM: 7.0
Summer Program: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
Master of Biotechnology: 7.5
哥伦比亚大学/Columbia University
Graduate admissions: 7.0
Graduate School of Journalism: 8.5
Master of Arts 8.0; Ph.D 8.0; Master of computer science 8.0
Teacher's College: 7.0
School of International and Public Affairs: 7.0
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0
School of Social Work: 7.0
Institute of Human Nutrition: 7.0
School of Continuing Education: 7.0
麻省理工学院/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IELTS is accepted .
Please consult the school for scores.
Technology and Policy Program: 7.5 (IELTS only)
System Design and Management: 7.5 (IELTS only)
Computational and Systems Biology: 6.0 (IELTS preferred)
Economics: 7.0 (IELTS preferred)
Linguistics & Philosophy: 6.5
Chemical Engineering: 7.0 (IELTS only)
Computation for Design and Optimization: 7.0 (IELTS only)
Department of Urban Studies/Planning: 7.0
Center for Real Estate:; 7.0 (IELTS preferred)
Comparative Media Studies: 7.0 (IELTS only)
Materials Science and Engineering: 6.0 (IELTS only)
Nuclear Science & Engineering: 7.0
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: 7.0 (IELTS strongly preferred)
Media Arts and Sciences: 7.0 (IELTS only)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 7.5(IELTS preferred)
Mechanical Engineering: 7.0 (IELTS preferred)
Engineering Systems Division: 7.0 (IELTS only)
Biological Engineering: 7.0 (IELTS only)
Political Science: 7.0
Department of Biology: 6.5
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science: 6.0
Science Writing: 7.5
Department of Chemistry: 7.0
MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic: 6.0
Department of Mathematics: 6.0
Sloan School of Management: 7.0 (Ph.D. Program: 7.0)
Department of Brain/Cognitive Science: 7.0
History, Anthropology and Sciences, Technology/Society: 7.0
Operations Research: 7.0 (IELTS preferred)
Microbiology: 6.0
Interdisciplinary Programs: (7.0 preferred) (IELTS preferred)
布朗大学/Brown University
布朗今年的早申请录取数据为:申请人数3170,录取人数695,录取率21.9%。53%的申请者将收到经济补助。 布朗大学已录取的新生来自于全球39个国家和美国41个州,国际生中以来自中国、新加坡、加拿大的人数最多。
8.0 (If SAT Critical Reading test is above a 650, it is not necessary to take the IELTS.)
Graduate admissions: 7.0
杜克大学/Duke University
杜克大学今年从3516名申请者中录取了861名幸运儿,录取率为24.5%,据杜克大学官方表示,这861名新生将占据classof 2021的一半名额,也就说未来的RD录取中,录取人数应该也就只有860人左右。另外,在所有申请者中,有671名申请者被defer到RD录取中。
这861名新生有691人选择Trinity College of Arts& Sciences,另外170名新生则会进入Pratt工程学院。
Graduate admissions: 7.0
Fuqua School of Business: please consult the school
Nicholas School of the Environment: 7.0
School of Nursing: 7.0
Sanford School of Public Policy: 7.0
纽约大学/New York University
Stern School of Business: 7.0
School of Professional and Continuing Studies: 7.0
College of Dentistry, Advanced Programs for International Dentists: 6.5
Law School:
LLM: 7.0 (Listening and Reading no below than 7.5, Writing and Speaking no below than 7.0)
JSD: 7.0 (Listening and Reading no below than 7.5, Writing and Speaking no below than 7.0)