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    General Information 基木概况

    South China University of Technology(SCUT)is one of China's key universities operating under the direct leadership of the State Ministry of Education. The campus, which has a total area of over 200 hectares,is situated in Guangzhou,a southern metropolitan in China.The campus,named as“Civilized Campus”by the Ministry of Education,is a propound culture area in beautiful surroundings of lakes and mountains,bluish greenery and luxuriant flowers,traditional buildings and modern architecture.


    After more than 50 years of development,SCUT has become a multidisciplinary university of high reputation in South China and in the whole country,focusing on engineering,combined with science,also promoting well coordinated development of management,economics,humanities and law. SCUT is presently made up of 29 colleges. Subjects currently offered in SCUT cover 6 national key disciplines,67 bachelor's programs,14 first grade doctoral disciplines,30 first grade master's degree disciplines,75 Ph. D. programs,177 master programs including 5 professional master degree programs of MBA,EMBA and MPA and 11 postdoctoral research stations.


    The university has a batch of scientific research organizations and technology development bases with advanced standards. At present,there are 1 national key laboratory,2 national engineering research centers,4 key laboratories designate by the State Ministry of Education and 5 key laboratories designed by Guangdong Province. In addition there are 1 national first-grade architecture design and research institute,1 national science park,1 national teaching base of engineering mathematic course,1 national cultural diathesis education base for university students.


    SCUT has a faculty of over 4 435,with 2 324 teaching and researching staffs members,2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,2 academicians of the Chinses Academy of Engineering,20 double appointed fellows(honored by two universities ),1 foreign academician of Russian Academy of Science,one State Outstanding College Lecturer,6 specially-invited professors of Guangdong Province and 1 023 master and doctoral supervisors.

    学校现有教职工4 435人,其中专任教师2 324人,中国科学院院士2名中国工程院院士2名,双聘院士20人,俄罗斯工程院外籍院士一人,国家教学名师一人,广东省特聘教授6人,研究生导师1 023人。

    The number of students of all types amounts to over 61 320,of which 12 859 are doctorate and master degree candidates,22 193 undergraduate students,13 227 students of continual education,12 791 students of on-line education and 250 international students,which have formed a complete talent cultivation system of bachelor degree,master degree and doctor degree.

    现有各类学生61 320人,其中,博士、硕士研究生12 859人,本科生22 193人,继续教育学生13 227人,网络教育学生12 791人,留学生250人,已形成学士一硕士—博士完整的人才培养体系。

    At present,the university is in the possession of 3680 million RMB fixed assets,including the cost of 810 million RMB equipments and devices. The schoolhouses have a cover area of 1 .75 square kilometers. The University library,with a total area of 67 000 square meters,has a collection of 4. 2 million volumes.

    学校现有固定资产36. 8亿元,其中教学科研仪器设备资产总值8. 1亿元。校舍总建筑面积177万平方米。图书馆面积6. 7万平方米,藏书420万册,

    Facing the new century,SCUT will regard individual as its roots,take discipline constructions as pre-requisite,consider talent cultivation as its ultimate aim and highlight technological pursuit. SCUT intends to enlarge and extend its scale and realize the coordinated development of its scale,structure,quality and benefit. SCUT accelerates its education reform by gearing the university from multidiscipline-orien-fed to integration-oriented,from teaching research-oriented to research-oriented,and from partial open form to completely open form,so as to build SCUT into a top-ranking stcii}.} university and a famous world-class university.


    Gloriol}s }9istory 历史变迁

    1952 South China Institute of Technology,the predecessoY c}i South China Universify of Technology,was founded through the amalgamation of the technical faculties of 12 universities in 5 provinces in central and southern r_hina,including Sun Yat-sen University,Lingnan University,Hunan University,Guangxi University,etc.


    1988 It was renamed South China University of Technology


      上一篇:用英语说中国名校:中山大学(双语) 下一篇:用英语说中国名校:四川大学(双语)


