基本概况 General Information
Beijing Forestry University(BFU)is as one of the key universities directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is a multi-disciplinary university一that not only features in forestry bioiogical sciences and forestry engineering but also runs programs in other sciences,engineering,liberal arts,management,economics,law and fine arts. It is among the first universities to enjoy the privileges of the national“Project 211”and“Action Plan for Education Revitalization toward the 21 st Century".
BFU is located in the Haidian District of Beijing with the total area of 820 mectaces,including 45 mectares of the main campus,50 mectares of Jiufeng campus which is under construction and 725 mectares of the university experimental plantation BFU consists of 12 colleges which offer 50 bachelor's degree programs,4 doctorate programs in first-level disciplines,4 post-doctorate stations,35 Ph.D programs,73 master programs,3 master disciplines and 14 master programs for universify teachers,covering 22 first-level disciplines of eight kinds.
BFU has 1 state research center of engineering and technology,1 state field station,3 key laborafiory of the Ministry of Education,5 key laboratories of State Forestry Administration,1 key laborafiory of Beijing city and 3 located observation stations.
学校现有专任教师912人,其中具有高级职称教师495人,具有硕土学位以上的610人。学校有中国工程院院士5人,国家级有突出贡献专家8人,省部级有突出贡献专家18人,长江学者特聘教授1人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴105人。在校本科生13 25}人,研究生2 423人,成人教育在校生4953人。2005年学校在教育部组织的普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估中获得优秀。
The University has 912 full-time faculty including 495 full and associate ate professors,610 of whom have been granted master degrees or higher degrew. BFU has 5 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering,8 experts with outstanding contributions at the national level,18 experts with outstanding contributions at the province or ministry level,1 special professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program”and 105 recipients of special subsidies from the central government. BFU has a total enrolment of over 13257 undergraduates,2423 postgraduates and 4953 full-time adult education students. In 2005,BFU's undergraduate education was evaluated as“Excellent" in the assessment organized by the Ministry of Education
The University has established scientific and educational cooperation with over 150 universities and research centers in more than thirty countries and regions on over 30 programs,including the joint Bachelor's degree in Turfgrass Management with State University of Michigan USA.the national“Project 21l and the“Action Plan" for Education Revitalization toward the 21 st Century“as opportunities for development,the University has widened its scope of research and the focus on forest silviculture. BFU will make greater efforts to improve the quality of education and strive to build the universify into a first-class,multi-discipline and research-oriented university with forestry and environmental science as its characteristics.
历史变迁 Glorious History
1952 A nationwide restructuring of institutes of higher education was initiated,and Forest Department of Beijing Agricultural University and Forest Department of Hebei Agriculture Collegemerged to form Bering Forestry College.
1956 Garden Construction Department of Beijing Agricultural University and Construction Department of Tsinghua University merged into Beijing Forestry College.
1969 Beijing Forestry College was forced to move to Yunnan Province and stayed there for ten years.
1979 Beijing Forestry College moved back to Beijing to restore its education.
1985 Beijing Forestry College was renamed Beijing Forestry University.
2000 Beijing Forestry University was directly under the administration of the ministry of Education.
2001 Beijing Forestry University was developed with the joint efforts of the Ministry of Education and the State Forestry Admission