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    基本概况 General Information


    East China University of Science and Technology(ECUS) named East China Institute of Chemical Technology,was founded in 1952. It was the first single-subject chemical institute in China through the joint consolidation of the chemical departments from Jiaotong University,Zhendan University,Datong University,Dongwu University and Jiangnan University during a nationwide restructuring of the country's higher education resources. As one of the universities that were initially granted the permission to admit postgraduates


    in 1956 ECUST was promoted as a national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education


    In June 1996,ECUST was selected as one of the top 100 universities in China for the national“Project 211”.ECUST is under the joint construction and administration of Shanghai Government and the State Ministry of Education from October 1997.With its subsequent development and constructionthe University gradually expanded into a multi-disciplinary national key university including engineering,science,business,management,administration,humanities and law.

    学校地处上海市,现有徐汇、金山和奉贤三个校区,位于上海海湾旅游度假区的奉贤校区正在建设中。学校总占地面积176. 8万余平方一米,各类建筑总面积51. 3万余平方米,建有体育馆、游泳池塑胶田径场等一批标准体育设施。

    ECUST is located in Shanghai and has three campuses now,one in Xuhui District,and another in .#inshan District and another still under construction in Fengxian District which is located in the region of Shanghai touring bay area. The university covers an area of more than 1 .768 million square meters and the buildings on campuses cover about 513 thousand square meters,including some standard physical training establishments like gymnasium,swimming pool and plastic ground track field and so on.

    校图书馆总藏书234. 92万册,收订中外文期刊10000余种,拥有CA,EI等大型光盘数据库20余种和美国全套专利缩微胶卷;是全国化工院校情报协作网组长一单位,建有北京图书馆光盘信息中心上海分中心、教育部科技项目咨询及成果查询中心工作站、上海高校外国教材中心等机构。校分析测试中心、珠宝检测中心一为国家计量认证单位

    The university library possesses 2.34 million of books,17 thousand kinds of periodical,some 20 kinds of CD data一base like CA&EIand the complete American patent minimized films.ECUST is the head of information cooperation networks among Academics of Chemical Technology around China,the Shanghai branch of Beijing Library CD Information Center the Workstation of 5cientific Program Consultation and innovation Investigation Center of the Education Ministry,the Censer of Foreign Language Textbooks in Shanghai etc. Its Analyzing&Testing Center anrJ Jewellery Inspecting Center are national authorized computation&afitestation center

    学校设有15个专业学院和一个直属体育系。学校学位授权点覆盖了11个学科门类、34个一级学科。有S4个本科专业,121个硕士授权点、43个博士授权点、16个工程硕士授权领域和工商管理硕士( MBA )、公共管理硕士(MPA )、高校教师专业学位授予权,并设有5个博士后流动站

    The university has 15 Academic Schools and a Physical Education Departmenn at present Academic fields of ECUST cover 11 branches and 34 subjects. The university now has 54 specialties for undergraduate studies,and it is entitled to confer master's degrees in 121 programs,doctoral degrees in 43 programs,Engineering Master Degrees in 16 programs as well as the MBA program,MPA program,Normal Degree program for College Teachers and 5 post-doctoral centers. There are 3 state key disciplines.

    国家重点学科3个学校现有在校全日制学生2万余人,其中全日制本科生15 660余人,硕士研究生5 550余人,博士生953人以及高师教育220人,另有继续教育与网络教育学生22700余人教职员工3 900余人,其中两院院士5名,兼职院士18名,国家“973计划’,首席科学家3名,长江学者特聘教授7名,国家级有突出贡献专家1 '1名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者7名,国家优秀青年教师基金获得者11名,各类正副高级职称的人员1 000余人。

    At present,the total number of full time students has reached over 20 000,including 15660 undergraduates,5550 postgraduates for master's degrees and 953 Ph .D. candidates and 220 students for higher vocational education;Furthermore,there are 22 700 students in both School of Adult Education and School of Online Education seeking bachelor's degree.Among its over 3900 staff members and workers,there are 5 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering,I8 another academicians as part time professors,3 scientists一in-chief of“Project 973”in China,7 Professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,11 nationally accredited experts with outstanding contributions,5 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Scientific Fund,7 gainers of the Fund of National Excellent Young Teacher,over 1000 full time professors and associate professors.

    一大批中青年学者崭露头角,其中4人被评为上海市科技精英,一人被评为上海市青年科技英才,11人入选教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划,5人人选教育部跨世纪优秀人才支持计划3人人选首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选。 学校建有国家大学科技园有53个研究所(中心),8个国家级研究基地、12个省部级研究基地,是全国b所首批建立国家技术转移中心的高校之一。

    Besides,more and more young scholars are striding on their way to prosperity,among them } were granted Scientific Elites of Shanghai,1 granted youth of outstanding ability of Shanghai,6 selected as candidates in the Program of Outstanding Talents in the 21 st Century,3 selected as first national candidates in the Program of Million-Talents in the 21 st Cen The university has a Science and Technology Zone which includes 53 academic institutes,8 national academic bases and t 2 provincial research bases. ECUST is among one of the six universities that are authorized as the rational technology transference centers.


    CUST is striving forward to build itself into an internationally known,brilliantly characteristic,multi-disciplinary and research-oriented first-class university.

    历史变迁 Glorious History


    1952 East China Institute of Chemical Technology,the predecessor of ECUST was founded.


    1993 East China Institute of Chemical Technology was renamed East China Univarsity of Science and Technology authorized by the State Education Commission.


      上一篇:用英语说中国名校:东华大学(双语) 下一篇:用英语说中国名校:同济大学(双语)


