例88 "The test of any democratic society", he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, "lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be."
【结构分析】主语是the test of any democratic society,动词是lies in,后面是固定搭配,not...but..., not后面是第一个宾语从句how well it can control expression, but in后面是第二个宾语从句whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude,其中freedom of thought and expression是直接宾语,the widest possible latitude是间接宾语,however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be是让步状语从句。
【亮点回放】此句话的亮点在于not...but...,“不是……而是……”,否定前面,肯定后面,是很大气的转折,起承转合让句子更加美妙,后面两个宾语从句,很美妙,how well是很高级的宾语从句,whether是很长的宾语从句,这两个宾语从句组合很好。
democratic society 民主社会
lies in 取决于
freedom of thought and expression 思考和表达的自由
the widest possible latitude 尽可能广泛的范围
disputable 富有争议
irritating 令人不快