例212 The Internet—and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it—is making access to scientific results a reality.
【结构分析】两个破折号号中间的部分完全可以视作插入部分独立分析。“the internet is making access to scientific results a reality”是主干,插入语是“funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it”这样分析就会简单很多,插入语翻译成提供资金的机构施加压力,质疑为什么商业刊物可以通过限制刊载的手段从政府投资的研究项目中牟利,主干翻译为“互联网使得阅读科研结果成为现实”。
pressure from funding agencies 提供资金的机构施加压力
commercial publishers 商业刊物
making money 赚钱
government-funded research 政府投资的研究项目
restricting access to it 限制接触到它